Tuesday 15 August 2023

Futher Down That Silent Treatment Road

 I think she's tried to beg to stay at that wndow just a litte longer but it's clear that in addition to having had her face slapped she's also been the recipient of a fair dose of the cane...I've done a bit of work on the straitjacket too in the hope that Angela might feed it back into her AI thingy to try and get a better and more realistic version...BTW The nurse has a new head

 I'm not sure about the face slapping and that she's had a dose of the cane. In hindsight I think her treatment perhaps ought to be restricted to simply being totaly ignored...Any thoughts?


  1. I love the nurse's uniform! It would be so wonderful if nurses these days could dress like that, especially in more restrictive institutions. Nurse X might disagree given the greater comfort and practicality of scrubs or modern zip up tunics, but I do think the traditional look gives a nurse more authority.

    I also like the way she has her patient on a leash. While I would prefer to see it attached to cuffs behind the back, I can see how the neck collar works better with a straightjacket.

    A very nice look!


  2. It took a fair while to get the image right - and I doubt I could get it any better (and I know Angela Fox's AI hasn't been able to - but I think every second of lost ale drinking time has been worth it. There is definitely a time and place for wrist cuffs coupled to a neck collar in a 'hammer lock' sort of position but this isn't it....But if entering an ice cold shower, most definitely! And I've already produced such an image should anyone be interested


  3. Yes we definitely are interested!


  4. In answer to Roberta’s comment, we very much wear “traditional” nurses’ uniform dresses, granted there may be an occasional zip to speed things up: very few work dresses these days are all buttons. It’s in medical hospitals that scrubs are needed, in psychiatric institutions it’s all about mental illness not physical illness. And I completely agree that scrubs are terrible, so unflattering!

    The neck chain is delightfully strict, isn’t it - I love it!

    Nurse X

  5. Ooh, excellent! The uniform sounds like a nice workplace perk, assuming you like that sort of thing. Presumably it is helpful in maintaining authority and a professional distance from your customers?

    Of course, in the olden days, the residents would have been given nice matching outfits to wear as a practical measure and to keep them looking presentable. This also aids in discipline by giving them a sense of belonging to the institution and a tactile reminder of their loss of freedom. I assume that no longer fits with current theories on care and rehabilitation.

