Hi folks! Just the very quickest of quickest notes to say the latest Robin Stone book went 'live' today on LULU. It should be now available on LULU as PDF, print or epub / Kindle and should be available on other platforms such as Amazon, Apple Book Store and so on shortly. A link to the LULU PDF version can be found over on the right at the top of the sidebar.
As I said in my previous posting (come on! I'm sure you can remember - it WAS only yesterday!) My role on this one has largely been limited and confined to that of editor / proof reader, publisher and, of course, designer and creator of the cover art, but my own project, still bubbling away in the background, should be ready before Christmas with any luck. I've also got a bit of work from Roger Benson I said I'd do for him on the back burner, so I'm not hanging around right now.
See y'all again soon!
Started reading now when is your book ready for release
Hello Garth:
Long time "no see" ;-)
I hope you are doing well !
What projects are you working on ?
I would really like to hear from you.
Very best regards: Miha
From Toyntanen (can only reply using anonymous from my phone for some reason - and this is moderated so I then have to moderate my own comments!) Well, Miha, I've got a few projects on the go but a lot of upheaval means all is dead slow. One thing I am thinkibg of (coz I'm getting impatient) is to get out the Illustrated Institution thing I've had hanging around years unfinished, as just a series of images only with perhaps just a few lines of caption below each so as a LOT of what is going on is in the readers imagination coz I've got most of the pictures for such an enterprise. A few will have been shared already but this would be the first time all in one place and in some sort of syöty order. What do you think? How are you? I had covid start of last April - nothing to it; I had glandular fever back in the 80s AMG that was just like covid (minus the weird loss of smell thing) but was about 10 times worse, put me off work for months and messed medida up for perhaps a couple of years. NASTY! I've also had a Pfizzer-BioNtec jab recently too. By the way - you can always get me direct by email at toyntanen@googlemail.com
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