Friday 23 February 2018

Pinned-Up Gymslips And Canes: A New Cover - Your Help Is Required



Four versions of the latest cover pic for the book I am currently collaborating on. The title and other texts are likely to change before publication by the way, but this gives an idea of the look. The basic background is by Angela Fox, all the rest is by yours truly. The red rubber suit pic was supplied by the author -  Robin Stone - himself.  Don’t forget to let me know what you think - which elements you like, and which not so much. But what I'm really interested in is which of the above you prefer.  You'll need to look careful as some of the differences are a little subtle, but just click to see a larger version.  Perhaps next time I'll set up a proper poll based on the above, but for now please leave a comment or email me directly at   Ta!


  1. I like the girl in A or B and the nurse in C. The girl’s skirt in C looks like it has WAY too much starch. I prefer the nurse not be holding a garment, because it would make it hard for her to use that cane properly.

  2. I personally prefer (A)

    And still anxiously waiting for a domestic discipline book......


  3. Hi Bruno and Anonymous and many thanks for your feedback and input. It seems a bit of a shame there has not been more reaction, but later today I intend to put up and actual poll in the hope that will generate a little more interest (plus two further versions of the cover). The domestic discipline book is still on the back burner at this stage, partialy because I ran out of inspiration and partialy because this collaboration opertunity came along and seemed something which might be completed on a much shorter timescale while allowing me also to create a few images which I might put to use myself at a later date with very little extra work on my part. While I think Anonymous has a point as regards the practical aspect, the idea is the nurse is merely carrying the cane for use at a later point just as she is the rubber suit (or the PVC knickers in certain versions) and as can be seen by closer inspection another individual (out of 'shot' as it were) is doing the droving,hurrying our girl along with the occasion swipe from her whippy cane

  4. I like C very much. I really like the shoulder of the shirt, although a long sleeve would be better.

    Looking forward for the book. Please keep us posted.

    Best regards

    1. I'm glad you like that one Anonymous 2. That look with the puffed shoulders is my favorite too but the author of the book it is for - and with whom I have been collaborating - prefers the less exaggerated look, but I'm sure if there is enough support his opinion might be swayed. So I guess the message is: come along folks, let your opinions be heard!

  5. I am not sure I like the words on the cover viz. "a startling opportunity." A sterling opportunity perhaps, or a terrific opportunity, or a fortunate one, but I don't think she would call it "startling."

    1. Hi there Greenwellies. A massive round of applause for that one! That's just the kind of feedback I need with this. Sometimes (often I find) you can get too close to something to see the flaws. I thought the term 'startling' sounded rather good but now, having read your suggestions, by contrast in comes over a little 'tabloid'. Sterling, on the other hand I think sounds SO much better! By the way, while I'm here, I only just realised I've written '...four versions...' In the original post - and labeled them A-D - and there are actually five of the things. Dunno how that happened, and am a little surprised no one has picked up on it, but I hope it hasn't caused too much contusion!

  6. I prefer the plastic pants, dark gymslip, puff shoulders, but with long sleeves. Short skirts are entirely inappropriate in a proper school uniform, and (ap)propriety. after all, is what I assume you are aiming for. Also, if the young lady is wearing a coloured sash, it might be suitable to have her hair tied with a matching bow. We can't have her getting above her station....

  7. It must be long sleeves, no puff shoulders and a long dress pinned up. She is entering a strict establishment with multiple rules and wearing an uncomfortable and formal uniform should be the start. I would add a school hat and a pinned up school cardigan to her attire.


  8. I am so excited for a new book! I can hardly wait and I'm sure I will read it in one go once it comes out!

  9. I prefer option D, although I think I would have preferred some institution approved regulation knickers around her mid-thighs as a reminder of yet another humiliation yet to come.

  10. Obviously option A. I mean plastic pants and a long sleeved gymslip, it just looks amazing and very strict.

  11. Really glad you liked it LarryM. I think it's my fave too Actualy. I'm currently on Cyprus by the way, in case anybody wondered why I've not posted much of late, and before that I had pneumonia; so I'm Kind of recuperating away from the cold and damp of the UK
