Wednesday 31 January 2018

An Introductory Caning

From a forthcoming illustrated book I’m colaborating on: 

“...the new girl should be arriving soon, Sister. It’s a cold night out there - I do hope you’re all good and ready to warm her up when she arrives; her bottom at least...ha ha ha!"

“Oh yes indeed, Doctor Swanley! I’ll stripe her behind for her, good and proper - you need have no fear about that. I’ll soon break her spirit!”

"I'm glad to hear it Sister, because this one is a 'long-term' patient, she is to be in our care for an indefinte period - and the woman who is paying for her stay here wants just that; she wants the girl broken completly, in every way possible!"



  1. We've missed you.....

    This looks very promising and we can't wait to see the final product

    Thank you for coming back after Christmas

  2. Me too.

    Perhaps you could make her live a more severe version of the punishment that girl Judith who has posted here from time to time is confined to. School uniform, old fashioned school discipline, confined and with regular corporal punishment the first dose of which she looks like she is about to get

    Can't wait to see the next step.


  3. "..this one is a 'long-term' patient, she is to be in our care for an indefinte period - and the woman who is paying for her stay here wants just that; she wants the girl broken completly, in every way possible!"

    That just - ahem - hits the spot. I'm so glad to find your blog again
