So - what have I been up to? Well, without further ado, here's a sample. And like it says above - see it here first (yep it's going up on Tumblr and my Pinterest too - but it's here first; and it'll be here the finished product / products will be revealed first). As always, your comments are welcome. Talking of which, if you've emailed me recently and are yet to receive a reply, my apologies: I'll be getting back to you later today. I' am going to be out and about, but I'll be taking my 'smart' phone (smart? Ha! It'd be HOPELESS without me to work it) and should have plenty of opportunities to tackle some emails.
May Day Dance of the Rising Dong
7 years ago
I love her girdle!
It is a beautiful idea, combining everything you do so well
Those rubber panties raise the prospect of urinary discipline, which can be quite severe for the poor young woman who is subjected to it.
Of course, incontinence may be induced by the use of urethral sounds, such that the bladder sphincter will have been painfully stretched beyond functionality. At that point, catheterization may be regarded as necessary, particularly the scarcely ever heard of, and especially severe, "hard" catheterization that uses a difficult to insert, stainless steel tube running from the bladder to several inches outside of the urethra where it may be attached to a latex tube that connects to a collection bag strapped to her thigh. The stainless tube protruding from her sex is awkward and uncomfortable to the young woman, and the display of it is quite humiliating and shameful to her, such that she will blush terribly upon being made to strip from the waist down to stand and display it to visitors, particularly when she is made to turn and bend at the waist to display its appearance as viewed from behind.
The hard catheterization is impossible for a woman to wear with trousers, though it is quite compatible with a dress or skirt, if she is kept pantiless. When one sees such young women in public, seated at cafes or merely strolling along the avenue with their chaperones, they are inevitably teary-eyed from the humiliation of the shameful condition between their legs, and have an awkward walk to them that betrays the presence of what they wear embedded deep within their sexes. Their distress will be all the greater, if they know that upon returning home, they will be stripped and displayed to visiting guests, so that their “treatment” can be viewed and discussed with an eye to its improvement.
I agree with you, but in my mind the exercise is retaining the urine until the bladder is very painfully full. After which, using a chamber pot in front of her aunt, she must perform the exercise to urinate by command: release, hold, release, hold, and so on, until the bladder is empty. This is a good sphincter exercise for the incontinence prevention. Obviously is a hated exercise, causing a continue burning sensation in the utethra. And if we look at the picture she is pressing her thighs togheter, the bladder is almost full, the padlocks prevent it from helping retention with hands. I just think he'll have to wear the shameful rubber panties soon!
Yes, she should be made to squat and show how a pretty girl pees from her sex. My preference is for a glass bowl to be used, to more shamefully display the color and quantity of her urine for all to see and remark upon. Some mechanical means of keeping the various labia spread open, such as clamps and chains, might also be employed, to allow for a neater stream to spurt from her sex. Of course, her Aunt's guests would also be present, to add to her shame as they observe and comment upon how she urinates.
Another aunt who is present, her Aunt Mimette, a trained nurse, might say, much to the girl's shame, "Her urine stream is so weak. Have you considered dilating her urethra? We could have her on her back as soon as she has done peeing. I carry my sounds and some lubricant in my purse. If some of us could simply raise her legs at the knees, and keep them apart, I could dilate her bladder sphincter in a few minutes. She won't like it, but we will give her no choice. Still, it would have to be done daily to maintain the effect, but I am sure that a more powerful stream from her sex would be more shameful to her, and more entertaining to our guests."
Sorry to say this correspondence is getting a mite too explicit. I know it can be pretty explicit in a couple of my books but it is becoming all too easy for a blog to be taken down and already several I used to follow have vanished. I don't want to have to go back to having to moderate (I don't have enough time nowadays)and I can't really offer much in the way of guidelines unfortunately, so please try to use your own judgement as to what might be thought distasteful or offensive. With the art I try not to be explicit but suggest what might be going on,leaving space for interpretaion and imagination (and every one has their own imagination, set of preferences and interpretation - so that can leave quite a lot of space, even where I have added notation, which I DO realise DOES add limitations). I wonder what other visitors think about this - please comment.
I love the wonderbra of the women on the right side. I hope that the rubber pants will be pulled over a diaper after that book fell down and the girl proved she cannot even manage the easiest tasks.
Long time since you posted, hope you are well.
More than 3 months since we've heard from you... buried in the final editing of the next book?
Sorry to say I had more than my fair share of personal problems and problems with the kids, bouts of depression and so on, not to mention with my elderly mother, taking her to and from hospital and so on. And more recently I have been away traveling quite a bit. Mid June saw me undertaking the London to Brighton cycle ride and I ended up spending a week staying down in Brighton, partily (mostly) because it was so hot; my hotel had air conditioning; my flat up in London most definitely does not and would have been unbearable!!! Then I spent a further week away from home staying at a friend's house...oh it goes on and on... then it was my birthday (another week out of action - a week-long drinking binge was required you see...then I went to Menorca (Spain, back to London for a few days (children home from school / college precluding my working), then off on a cruise around the Medeterainian (family holiday - NOT paid for by me, thank God!)and finaly a two-day music festival (the Rewind festival, Henley on Thames) and several days of trips with my OTHER significant other who had her birthday Wednesday. Anyway all should be settling down soon - one more week, this one of 'ME time' and possibly involving a cycle tour (but plenty of real ale)and then all back to normal from around the 6th Sept. Yes, I DID try to update, or at least answer visitor's comments,while traveling using my 'smart' phone (often NOT so smart)and several times I wrote long rambling pieces such as this, only to see half an hour's or so struggle (coz it IS a struggle off my smart phone with its small screen size)vanish after one thing or the other would go wrong - so eventualy I gave up.
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