Tuesday, 22 September 2015

A Stinging Bottom - and a Full Tummy: OR: Burning (Her) Ambitions

Sometimes a young woman - especially one in her late teens -may possess ideas and ambitions above her station, hopes dreams and aspirations which - if she should be allowed to continue to entertain them - could conspire to make her headstrong and intransigent and encourage her to take on airs and graces incompatible with her coming to terms with having been placed in care and impede her in her adjustment to the necessary curtailment of certain personal freedoms and previously enjoyed privileges and status which institutional life inevitably brings with it.

 If she is to be helped and freed from forever hankering after life outside the care home and aided in refraining from perpetually struggling against the routine, stipulations, restrictions and discipline that are a necessary part of the smooth running of any such residential institution it is necessary that  the subject be brought to heel in the first instance by way of an intervention having the goal of illustrating and demonstrating to her the self-deluding futility of these fancies and fantasies.



Anonymous said...

Superb! A long term program of irreversible dehabilitation as part a sentence of indefinite confinement in an institution sould follow.

paulopost said...

If she is dreaming to be a dancer, I would add to her regime of weight gain and institutional life something like leg braces, shoulder harness, orthopedic shoes, strong glasses that will limit her mobility. She will gain weight more easily and she will gradually loose the grace in her movements!

Anonymous said...

Or enforced weight gain followed by an extremely lean and bland diet plus whopping amounts of exercise, in a repeated cycle.

Toyntanen said...
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Toyntanen said...

OMG! Pass me the tissues! Or is that too much information? Someone took me out yesterday and stood me a good few beers (I no longer have enough cash coming in to justify spending it on booze myself)and that always leaves me... ahem!... 'inspired' the next day - dunno why. So... where to start? 'Dehabiliation' - dunno if that word even exists, but if not - it damn well should! It is as good as any description of the kind of regimen I like to imagine and am struggling to write about.

Paulopost mentions leg braces and orthopedic shoes, which is an area I have touched upon before of course but will doubtless revisit. As for shoulder harnesses - it is the kind of area which goes nicely together with backboards and stiff corsetry, which is kinda serendipitous since just by coincidence I am presently putting together a short piece based in the Victorian era (I LOVE the Victorian era - ANYTHING was possible in the Victorian era! Talking of which - where is The Non-Victorian Girl? Seems an AGE since we’ve (I have) heard from her! Hang on... Brackets within brackets? Is that even allowed? They'd throw me out of the writer's guild - if I were actually IN the writer's guild! BOLLOCKS Who cares? What are rules any way? Lets have more sub-clauses - that's what I say; and semicolons; and an end to full stops (periods - for you USA types... oh look, more brackets within brackets - though strictly speaking these are parentheses [these are brackets {where as these are braces}and one shouldn't use them this way] Oh no - brackets within brackets within brackets))And now I've forgotten what I was talking about... (and started a sentence with 'and' - I HATE that! Almost as much as the BBC's constant use of the historic present tense and the rising inflection at the end of every sentence everyone seems to need nowadays and addressing everyone as 'bruv'... Oh for fuck's sake!)

Toyntanen said...

...And now I have to tick a box to say I'm not a robot? Well at least I don't have to read and type in a string of random numbers or figures - I'm famously dyslexic and used to get it wrong all the time and end up locked out of my own comments page (I have been known to get on the wrong bus - we have a 231 and a 123 and also a 221 and 121 route - and I can't always tell 'em apart!)! Going back to Paulopost - yeah I imagine her stiffening up; but there is more than one way of dissuading her from a career in dance without the overt use of bondage in it's various forms (although there is something to be said for stiffened gloves with their fingers stitched together or mittens if music is her obsession)and there is a lot to be said for various forms of aversion therapy. Now this does not necessarily mean the obvious and - for example - can be dressed up as 'tuition' in the right hands (I have recently come across an image or three on Tumblr which fits the bill and which I may adapt and feature here).

The cyclic weight gain / loss régime I think has a lot of mileage... and hasn't been touched upon in the literature so far as I know (although in my latest long novel - which has been in development since last year - our heroine is pretty drastically dieted down, and apparently subjected to surgery; and THAT hasn't been touched upon either!)

paulopost said...

How about an uglifying girdle?
I don't know if this word exixts, anyway I imagine a kind of strong and ugly foundation that make her shape worse rather than better.
This girdle crushes her breasts, flattens her buttocks and enhances her growing belly.
It should compress also her bladder enhancing her needs to relieve herself.
A croch strap could crush her vulva and, why not, could keep a butt plug or a dildo firmly buried inside her.

Anonymous said...

>> our heroine is pretty drastically dieted down, and apparently subjected to surgery

Great ideas. Imagine after the first complete cycle, the girl's despair at being fattened again, knowing at some point she will be high-stepping on the treadmill for 4 hours a day, on half-rations of prison loaf or tasteless gruel, until the weight all comes off again...

Anonymous said...

All ladies should be weighed daily and undergo strict discipline based on her weight. Her goal weight should never be left up to her.

MrBrian2112 said...

I prefer my ladies to be curvy. Love the idea of force feeding young ladies. There should be no size zeros.