Yeah! But 'latest' becauseI HATE 'newest' - such bad grammer! And I MAY have to charge SOMETHING through certain channels - LULU, for example, levies a minimum charge; but I'll keep it to a 'peppercorn' on those channels for 'ebook' and make it ABSOLUTLY free on the Institute website as a PDF download!!!
Incidently; I'm having to be careful. here in the UK. As you know, I have always valued what I have previously described as 'plausability' in story telling. But the emphasis has always been on that term 'story telling' I.E, it s fiction - FICTION - that I deal with; just that it is possible, if not entirely likely, fiction. There are one or two barriers beyond which I will not venture (no children goes without saying), for example; you will never find the descriptor, slave, nor slavery, There may well be accounts boardering on sexual servitude, but never - ever - sexual slavery... Not ever! That term is never used.
And yet, in the British press, there have been of late apparenly genuine accounts of modern-day slavery - and I don't just mean among the denizens of Eastern European-run bodellos, of which many examples exist on the streets of London. Rather I refer to bowing and scraping down-on-the-knees floor-scrubbiing domestic slavery, which may or may not come with demands for more 'personalised' services. And there there has been lately a re-definition of the term 'abuse' within a series of public information films which seems to seek to cover the subtler approaches to control oft broached within my writing wherein the brute physicality of the strap and the cane might sometimes be eschewed for certain less physical, more psychological based, techniques.
And, more directly applicable to the current novel, there has been a revisiting of those old ideas of 'cures' for 'gayness', a concept visited, twisted and corrupted within the pages of the new book (and not everyone's 'cup of tea' - which is just ONE of my reasons for holding it back and making it available for free! The fear of rejection! I have never written this sort of stuff before, and so risk rejection from BOTH sides)
Incidently; I'm having to be careful. here in the UK. As you know, I have always valued what I have previously described as 'plausability' in story telling. But the emphasis has always been on that term 'story telling' I.E, it s fiction - FICTION - that I deal with; just that it is possible, if not entirely likely, fiction. There are one or two barriers beyond which I will not venture (no children goes without saying), for example; you will never find the descriptor, slave, nor slavery, There may well be accounts boardering on sexual servitude, but never - ever - sexual slavery... Not ever! That term is never used.
And yet, in the British press, there have been of late apparenly genuine accounts of modern-day slavery - and I don't just mean among the denizens of Eastern European-run bodellos, of which many examples exist on the streets of London. Rather I refer to bowing and scraping down-on-the-knees floor-scrubbiing domestic slavery, which may or may not come with demands for more 'personalised' services. And there there has been lately a re-definition of the term 'abuse' within a series of public information films which seems to seek to cover the subtler approaches to control oft broached within my writing wherein the brute physicality of the strap and the cane might sometimes be eschewed for certain less physical, more psychological based, techniques.
And, more directly applicable to the current novel, there has been a revisiting of those old ideas of 'cures' for 'gayness', a concept visited, twisted and corrupted within the pages of the new book (and not everyone's 'cup of tea' - which is just ONE of my reasons for holding it back and making it available for free! The fear of rejection! I have never written this sort of stuff before, and so risk rejection from BOTH sides)
Back to your disastrous journey home with Thmson airlines (I had never heard of it previously but according to wiki it's "the world's largest charter airline".
It reminded me of a show by Fascinating Aida called Cheap Flights which you may have seen before.
If you haven't, just do it, it's hilarious:
No, definitly not seen the clip coz I'd remember. Looking forward to watching it. I can't at the moment as I am away from home still and don't have my laptop an am using the limited capabilities of my phone. And it's down to three days now! The countdown continues!!!
Bit disapointed at the lack of response. But I'm out having a few beers anyway so it doesn't seem TOO bad - yet! We'll see by the take-up figures when the time comes. New Year's day is not far away now! Gonna have to ensure I have my laptop computer with me, else nothing is gonna happen!
I for one have been a loyal reader of yours for years and I am greatly anticipating this new release. Partly inspired by your own stories I've been working on lesbianizing my submissive and even if your story focuses on male homosexuality, I think it will still be quite an interesting read and potentially offer me some new ideas...
Very happy New Year to you, Garth!
OMG Anonymous. You male or female? Tell me more! Hi there again Orage. A tiny bit previous but thanks for the nice wishes - and a happy new year to you too! Only two days to go now, both to the new year AND the new FREE book
Hi Garth. Anonymous again. I am a male, and needless to say the relationship between my submissive and me is not the typical D/s relationship. It's actually not sexual (at least physically) between us, nor has it been or shall it ever be. Giving the full history will take a bit more space than is practical here but I'll send you an email in a day or two hopefully detailing all of it.
Looking forward to that, Anonymouse! Very much! A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! THE NEW BOOK SHOULD APPEAR LATER TODAY OR EARLY TOMORROW (2ND) (because of personal complications) AT THE LATEST! YES IT'S COMING!!! EATCH THIS SPACE!!!
I am ready for the download sir! Is it not New Year's Day already in the UK?
Yep! Sure is! Happy New Year! Unfortunatly I must beg your infulgence a little longer (see my previous comment). Due to certain unexpected personal circumstances I find myself presently in one place while my computer containing the files is somewhere else entirely. I have the book on a datacstick with me but it is too big to post directly on the blog and so my plan is to make it available as a PDF on the website and for that I need the FTP software and passwords etc that reside on my home computer. Sorry! Will not be long.
I have all of your books. They speak to me in a way that nothing else ever has. I can't wait for your next one. Have a wonderful New Year.
Thanks for that, Beckie. Always gratifying to know I’m appreciated in some way! I hope you like the new one – available FREE today (tell your friends). I don’t suppose you’re the same Beckie who was my third year student under my wing in the lab when I was doing my PhD stuff? Nahh, didn’t think so!
You write very well be happy oftheir write way
Disk sexo
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