Monday 20 August 2012

Victorian Governance in the Modern World? - And an Excuse (Internet Woes Keeping Me Off the Air)

Sorry for the 'no-hear' but I have a major problem with  the home internet connection, a fault my phone-line provider - The UK Post Office - fails to find but which keeps knocking my router off-line.  I can update from my portable machine but only in the absence of any pictorial content (very boring).  I do have, it seems, some intermittent access today but little time to enjoy it.  I have to pick up and put down the phone several times every now and then to clear the fault temporarily.  Anyway, here is a pic I came across a while back when the thing was working ok - and then forgot about.  A suitably morose pair that I, in my fertile imagination, have decided are undergoing a prolonged period of Victorian Governance in the modern world, courtesy of some select private and highly secure institution or homeschooling set up somewhere well away from prying eyes.

It was this picture that has led me to re-titling the book I'm presently working on as: 'Victorian Governance In The World Of The Sixties'.   Now, there's food for thought, I'm sure you'll agree!  The pic is, I think, actually from the online catalogue of a company that makes and sells Victorian and Edwardian costumes.  

I've still got that pic of me with the Olympic torch to share with you, but I'll Probably put that up on Facebook  - I'll let you know.


  1. NO! Not on facebook! I'm not a member (or whatever they call themselves) and refuse to be one. Why should all the juicy bits be exclusively on facebook anyway?

  2. aren't those two girls famed spanking models adele haze and pandora blake?

  3. Hi Orage. Point taken; except I'm not at all sure "all the juicy bits [are] exclusively on Facebook. And I doubt there is much to be had that might be described as 'juicy' about a particularly bad pic of yours truly and some old chap with an (extinguished) Olympic torch. But it's on Facebook anyway if you want a look - link in the right hand sidebar.

    Hi to you too, Jonny. Yes you may well be right - they do look a little familiar. A bit weird though, as the pic definitely came off a costume manufacturer's site.
