Friday 27 July 2012

Talk of a Girl - All Alone in the Doctor's Office

Can you believe I could have overlooked a blog called 'Disciplinary Tales'?  No, it doesn't seem possible, especially as it's been around since 2010.  I love the drawing from the magazine Roue used as the blog's banner (left) Just click the blog's title to visit.  

Talking of inspirational pictures painting all those words and all that.  A long time back (I think) someone sent me this one.  I have absolutely no idea who this woman is or where the photo is from so if it embarrasses or annoys anybody I'll of course take it down at once.  But...OMG!  Wouldn't she be the absolute model of our strict, domineering and somewhat less than entirely ethical clinical psychotherapist, Dr Anne Ecclestone.  Can't you just imagine her slinking around the department of experimental psychology, with her white doctor's coat flapping open over that outfit, perhaps leading some hapless bare-foot young thing in an open-backed hospital examination gown along by her painfully twisted ear?  Or perhaps sitting at her desk in her office, her white coat folded over the back of her chair and a silver nurse's fob watch pined over one breast, calmly yet firmly explaining yet again to the pretty young thing sitting opposite her the reason for her being put in those ugly leg calipers, fixing the girl's eyes on hers, forbidding her to look away with her commanding stare while forcefully reinforcing over and over all she has previously suggested about hysterical paralysis and weakness of the legs, smiling reassuringly as she watches the suggestion take root, the belief growing in the girl's eyes day on day.  And now, of course she reaches for the leather strap she keeps coiled her desk drawer.  The girl has been trying again to get by without her leg calipers; and it wont be the first time she has had to go across the doctor's knee for non-compliance with the protocols of her treatment.  She could refuse to flop down, drape herself across the doctor's lap and drop the bottoms of the ugly, shapeless green-striped hospital-issue pyjamas she is dressed - but she wont  Her medication would be stopped if she did that...And the doctor has got her on the most deliciously addictive sedative now...    .........................................................................................................................................

By the way - I saw the Olympic torch procession and then later one of the torchbearers, a sprightly old chap call Bill  who has apparently run in every London Marathon there has ever been, brought his torch into the pub I was in (The Tollgate, Turnpike Lane, North London) and I got a photo of me and him with it.  Hopefully I'll post it up soon here and on my Facebook account but it is on someone else's camera and that person is out of London until Monday...  Oh Bollocks!    


  1. I don't know. She looks anything but clinical to me in that skirt and heels. She perhaps looks more like the type who works in such institutions because she derives some perverse pleasure in breaking the will of young ladies. Why she does this is a good questions. There could be many reasons. Most likely the ladies that come to the institution come from a higher social strata than she does and she delights in seeing them brought low. If not that than I suspect it may be she simply relishes having power over others and found that an institution for the reeducation of troubled girls to be the perfect niche for her.

  2. For those who like Reformatory stories I highly recommend this site:

  3. Thank you, Garth, for mentioning those three new blogs! I started with "Intimate Invasions" and couldn't tear myself away!

  4. Actually, I've been spending some time in the "Intimate Invasions" blog myself. Strong, and slightly scary stuff.

    The Non-Victorian Chick

  5. Hi Garth!
    Nothing to do with this post (again) but I've discovered a blog of stories and what struck me were the two drawings on page 1 and 3 (I'm currenttly reading page 4): the style reminds me of some drawings you added to your excerpts some time ago by an American chap whose name I forget.

    What do you think?

  6. And also pages 12, 13 and epilogue.

  7. Orage. Well dOne for spotting that. Those pictures are indeed mIne, as is the novel which I wrote a couple of years ago
