The origin of the top left offering is obvious, so you can probably safely hazard a guess that the pic on the right comes from the aforementioned artwork site. If it works for me (if you get my drift) it mostly likely will for most of you out there - that's the way I look at it.
In addition, I have now extended the 'DropBox' albums to cover a few more of the deleted Picasaweb albums. The women's workwear and uniforms catalogue scans for: Hewat (an Edinburgh-based company) 1980s, Hewat 1960s and Garroulds of London. I have now removed all the links to the old defunct Picasaweb albums to save confusion. Longer term; I intend to create a series of standalone pages to hold the various collections I have stashed on my drives here, giving the blog - I hope - a look something more like a full-blown website than a conventional blog. I have to say, though, that I am a little pressed for time at present and the only reason I am messing around with the blog right now is that I have been away for the weekend and only got in a little while ago. As it is so late (early hours) it isn't worth getting in to any work on the book / books, but I am still a little too 'hyper' to sleep. Talking of affiliate sites:
I just couldn't resist a quick trip to Bars and Stripes (it's that nurse /matron and cane thing) link in right hand sidebar. The two new sites I have added can be checked out by clicking on the relevant pic above or visiting the sidebar on right (as can the Dropbox albums). These affiliates will be the last commercial links I shall be adding as I want to avoid the trend, becoming increasingly prevalent, to fill up page-space almost entirely with banners and adverts; but at the same time, what with some sort of problem apparently afflicting Lulu sales, I need to do something to help fund my little hobby (I am mostly running on empty right now, financially speaking - but full of enthusiasm!!!). Tommorow will be entirely dedicated to editing the book - starting early!!! So bye for now - I'm off to bed.
"reminiscent of the good old days of seeing Roue and Janus covers on the local newsagent's top shelf."
By the way, I recently saw a Roue magazine front cover... and at long last I understood!
It's not Roue (= wheel) but Roué (= rake).
Since you don't have accents, they should have chosen another name!
Rake makes more sense? Was it also a lawn care magazine or did it have gardening tips in the back or something? Don't tell me someone actually used a rake at some point.
Trying to be funny, Madmonkey?
It does make sense with that meaning: (http://dictionary.reference.com/)
a dissolute or profligate person, especially a man who is licentious; roué.
libertine, profligate, lecher, womanizer.
And you'll notice they put the accent!
I lament the sudden and unexpected disappearance of www.britishspankingmagazines.blogspot.com
I loved it, it was very often updated and full of stories out of Janus, Roué, Februs....
If any of you find it again, under that name or another one, do please tell us!
Its owner was Dmitry.
Ah, like a player...
Hi there my little contentious pals! It was called Roué, with a little thingy over the ‘e’ just as Orage suggests. But I’m English and we don’t have little thingies over our letters (or under that for that matter – what’s that all about, Orage?) and like all good Brits I’m crap at languages (I couldn’t even spell that without the computer’s help). I have no idea why they chose Roué , though Janus always seemed to make sense, him being the two-faced god. ‘Rake’ does make some sense though – think ‘rakish’ as in: His lordship was a rakish chap, having no little appetite when it came to ‘disciplining’ spanking the youngest, prettiest of his maids. Rake – noun: “A dissolute or profligate person, especially a man who is licentious; roué.” Also: libertine, profligate, lecher, womanizer.
Oh shit! Sorry Orage, I’ve just noticed you’ve visited the same dictionary as I have!
I didn’t know had gone but I’m not surprised www.britishspankingmagazines.blogspot.com. One or two others in a similar vein have met there end of late. I fear some nanny somewhere is cracking down and the first to feel her righteous wrath seem to be those with the word ‘spanking’ in their titles.
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