Just a quick note to say that I have taken a little time out from struggling with the new book this evening to peruse a couple of blogs that I just can’t believe I’ve overlooked in the past. ‘SEXUELLE’, the creation of one Elizabeth Forster, is just chock full with some of the most erotic spanking orientated erotica I have ever come across on a blog – with an emphasis on erotic; just wonderful!. I went through page after page and just couldn’t get away – I have had a hell of a job just deciding which pics to add to my collection. Click on either picture to visit (they both came from there) or look for link in the blog list in the right-hand sidebar. Actually I really love the top left: the hair bondage thing – very reminiscent of the writing of Victor Bruno, don’t you think?
‘Spanking w necie’ is another good 'un.
Not sure what language it is in but there are a lot of spanking pics I have not seen before and a hell of a lot of blog links to explore. Click on blog name to link or see blog list – blah, blah, blah.
Next entry will hopefully be a shard from the new book.
And now… Back to the writing (Well International indoor bowls first on TV, the writing. Maybe a bit of sleep as well?)– enjoy!

Next entry will hopefully be a shard from the new book.
And now… Back to the writing (Well International indoor bowls first on TV, the writing. Maybe a bit of sleep as well?)– enjoy!
Hi Garth,
First, thanks for the blog links. Sexulle especially is quite visually stunning.
Second, I ran across this story just a few hours ago and have quite enjoyed it; I think it's a theme - tomboy girl immersed in quasi-Victorian ultra-femininity slowly is changed against her will - that you might enjoy as well, and thought I would pass it on.
Thank you, Anonymous!
Garth, you might be interested in chapters 10 and 11 (the "punishment undergarments").
I too wish to thank Anonymous (come on - make up a name) for that link. The story is delicious – up to a point (for me).
When the involvement of a psychologist (or psychiatrist, I can’t quite recall) was mentioned – and especially when that person turned out to be to all accounts an attractive young woman – my heart skipped a beat. All sorts of possibilities leant themselves! But then the girl is allowed out-and-about and no longer under lock and key – albeit escorted. And the next thing you know, nasty little things like ‘safe words’ are being bandied about, (the point at which my heart began to sink). Then right at the end all sorts of possibilities seem to come alive again – but just at the point the story peters out – oh no!, give me more, keep it going.
There are some realy great descriptions of the various outfits and their humiliating consequences. And also a nice display of insight into of the psychology by which the girl hopes to win through by pretending to acquiesce, by which – although she does not realise it – she is actually surrendering ground all the time... I spent ages reading it - nice and slowly - though; I spent far too long really, but I couldn't 'put it down' so to speak!
Hi Orage! By the way.
"oh no!, give me more, keep it going".
Better send her a mail to voice your feelings: you just click on azazel and they give you her mail address.
And she's still alive and kicking since she posted another story last January.
Hi Orage!
great idea. I think I might do that - always the chance of a collaboration, or at least an exchange of ideas.
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