Friday 20 August 2010

Holiday Slipperings and Other Cocktails?

As you know I am on the Greek island Zante. Well I have know been able to borrow a 2-pin power adapter. This has to be one of the most isolated hotels in the world – no decent shops within walking distance; they weren't kidding when they said it was a quiet resort!. At least I have been able to get a little work done on the new book, though thus far not as much as I'd like (but I have seen a sea turtle – which was different!). The wildfire I could see raging on a neighboring island that I mentioned last time went on well into the night and I did my best to capture something of it (first pic – the small lights along the bottom are from resorts and coastal properties) on my clapped-out old digital camera (nice zoom, shame about the rest). Note to self: buy a new one, SOON!

I also came across this sign on the door to the hotel's poolside bar (2nd pic, right) that seems to threaten a slippering to anyone daring to enter with wet feet – over the knee or over a table I wonder? A discipline-minded bunch this lot – it seems the other guests get slippered too if one transgresses! Cheers – one ever-so-slightly camp cocktail the 'other half' thought it 'fun' to order for me: bring back the great British pint, that's what I say! (Photo left).

See y'all! CHEEEERS!!!!


  1. You got me chuckling!
    Signs you can read abroad in what they think is English or French are sometimes hilarious: once in Spain I read a list of ice-creams and there was a tar-flavoured one! Elsewhere another sign "watch your step" instead of "mind the step".
    A question now: is "thank you for your understanding" a standard English expression? It sounds to me like a bad translation from "merci de votre compréhension" but I may be mistaken.

  2. I think both phrases you mention (watch your step and Thank you for ...) are standard American phrases.


  3. Thank you, Rex! I didn't know that!

  4. Well it seems like a rude sign, but over the summer I stayed at a hotel that didn't have such a sign in an area that needed one. Being sopping wet and in a hurry as I usually am, I slipped and fell off the walk. I ended up falling on some very sharp rocks and cutting myself up pretty badly. Pretty much ruined my vacation.
