Tuesday 17 August 2010

A Holiday Post


Here I am on Zante, one of the Greek islands. Can't say much now as batts low on computer (nothing new there, then) but amazingly hot, as one would expect. Not much here, but one thing is what would appear to be a wildfire on what I take to be a neighboring island – looks a bit like a volcano, doesn't it! More soon I hope and also I hope to get a little writing done if I can find a power adapter – they use 2-pin plugs here it seems!. See y'all later!


  1. You know you're going abroad on holiday and you know you're going to take your laptop with you to do your writing and yet you don't even bother to check what sort of plug you'll need and to get an adaptor before you go or at the airport???

    You are either (how can I put it politely) a very unseasoned traveller or your subconscious has decided that a holiday means a holiday from writing.

    Enjoy the vacation.

    Next time use the essential Kropla - www.kropla.com/electric2.htm

