Hi folks! It is a blindingly sunny day here in London and hopefully it is just as great wherever you are too. I didn't get to go to the beer Festival at Camden Town Hall in the end so I had to be satisfied by making up for it with a few beers yesterday whilst taking my mother out for Sunday lunch - it was 'Mother's Day' all mother or Mothering Sunday, as it is sometimes called. I had taken along my
netbook computer and had hoped to get a few pages typed up while awaiting her arrival but as it turned out she arrived only a few minutes after I got the thing booted up - and that was that. I've only got a couple of free hours in which to get some writing done today so I'm going to go on with it in a moment and so I will keep this short and sweet for now. I just wanted to use this opportunity to tell you about a couple of blog I have just today come across and an '
Imagefap' user profile that is chock full of interesting pictures and artwork based around our favourite subject. The chap calls himself
Mr Tawse and you can get to see his collection, such as the picture top left, by clicking on the link I have provided in the right-hand side bar - listed as
Mr Tawse (amazingly) - under the
'Useful Resources' category (I know I have posted this pick before, but I just love it anyway). The two blogs are called
'Dr Fetish (Medfet's WebBlog)' - a medical fetish / medical restraint blog, well worth a visit and
'Simply Slippering' (does
y what it says on the tin). Quite amusing, that latter one, as the other half seems to think that she invented the term '
slippering' - no, really,
LOL! Now it's back to the grindstone; I'm so full of ideas that moment that something is going to go bang if I don't get
them down on paper quickly. Meanwhile, click on either blog title to visit or look for the relevant link in the right hand sidebar blog roll (the
Imagefap thing can be found listed under Mr
Tawse in the 'useful resources list - also in the right hand sidebar ). Check out the nurse; just perfect, I pinched her from Mr
Tawse's collection (well he's pinched a couple of my scans by the looks of things). She looks well worth a visit too (her site's URL can be seen on the picture - just click for a larger version). How I would love to be able to use her photo on the cover of the new book when it's finished - what could be more apt? Wishful thinking of course, but...wow!
"How I would love to be able to use her photo on the cover of the new book when it's finished"
Why don't you just ask Mr Tawse and see what he answers?
Because he has clearly pinched it himself from somewhere else, old chap. Or at least that's my assumption.
I went to Mr Tawse's site and there didn't seem to be anything there. Did I do something incorrectly or did he take all his material and go home?
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