Just in case you missed the link posted as a comment to the update before last I have added the blog;
'Grumpy Old Fart' (sounds like me - ha ha!) to my blog list in the right-hand sidebar (or you can just click on the blog title to go straight there). Despite the title it is well worth a visit - my thanks to Summertime 75 for that. As for the artwork - it is just something that I think is evocative - at least vaguely so - of the part I am presently working on for the new volume...
And now, back to the writing.
Oh! I forgot to say; I have also just added another couple of drawings to the Picasaweb album entitled:
Art by Lynn Paula Russell (Paula Meadows), which can be found under the banner of
'Spanking Artwork Albums' in the right-hand sidebar....And
now back to the writing...No, really!
Thanks for the plug "Grumpy old fart"
I love the drawing; hand punishments are so effectve, as the offender makes eye contact with the disciplinarian who is about to break her down.
It is a Psychiatrists office, although she is not seeing a client but dealing with her daughters latest binge drinking escapade!.She has abandoned the psychological approach to her behaviour and uses the time and tested method for best results.
The ruler on the hand is the preliminary to a dozen strokes of the cane for her 21 year old girl on her well rounded bottom- which is already embarrassingly bare ready for the cane!Any hands in the way or getting up will attract extra cuts! GW
"Any hands in the way or getting up will attract extra cuts!" As well it should be , old chap, Never keen on the family relationship being so close though - somehow the stepdaughter concept seems to keep it all legit...to my mind at least.
PS: Loving Hunter's comment!
Anon. is quite right - how could any punishment of this fat-bottomed girl NOT include AT LEAST a dozen with a nice, long whippy cane once the hand-rulering is over. One would hope that her psychologist will have her back every evening this week to have her wonderful, curvy behind touched up again with the cane, ensuring that young madam's fat little sit-upon learns a real lesson in manners.
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