Gym Suits, Punishment PT and Restrictive School Uniforms
Today I expect to mostly spend, after posting up this update, catching up on dictating the body of hand written work that has built up although a part of me wants to get back to the scanning project I had running in the background. Part of the reason for this is that the day before yesterday, the day after the repair, I spent a little time poking, prodding and probing around some of the more obscure nooks and crannies of the Internet looking for inspiration for a piece involving punishment PT (or enforced physical exercise, or whatever) that I am working on for the new book and of course Janus magazine famously published a nice little series dealing with just that, back in the 80s as well as one or two other photo series that ran along similar lines (such as one involving ballerinas in training I seem to remember). I realise that by now many of these pictures may be available elsewhere on the net but as I haven't come across many myself and as I hope to elicit inspiration and ideas from those that read this blog, I am keen to get a few pics pasted up. As regards my writing, though, I have been (and am) looking for ideas as an alternative to the well worn and hackneyed leotard or the concept of naked PE - the latter, as appealing as it might be, I don't think fits in with the spirit of the series story arc. Consequently I'm looking for the unusual and as always I have been pillaging from the past. One thing I've come up with is the concept of the 'gym suit'; I just think
that it fits in nicely with the idea of anachronistic and extraordinarily restrictive school uniforms, petty stipulations, 'no talking' rules and all the rest. One has to take into account that, unlike previous periods in history, the modern miss is not universally that reluctant to disrobe to a lesser or greater degree and that exposure, in itself, is no longer necessarily that shaming. One also has to take into account that in such an institution as laid out in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 and INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 or indeed in any situation in which the young lady concerned is effectively isolated from her peers - perhaps subject to home-schooling with private tutors and the like and either alone or with others being similarly trained - the usual conventions of society as regards dress need no longer apply. One can fully exercise one's imagination; and the more unusual the outcome the better as regards the effects on the young lady or ladies.
If one takes the gym suit (above right) as it stands as being just a basic template, then one can start to visualise the effects of incorporating certain features and choice of fabrics. For example, even as it stands, although it is true that the bottom is well covered, the bloomer-style legs allow scope for leaving the back of the thighs available, allowing the young woman to be encouraged in her exertions by the application of the palm of the hand or the riding crop. Then there is possibly a humiliating element already inherent in the design of the garment in that it has a passing resemblance to a childish romper suit and perhaps more could be made of this aspect - for example as it stands is plenty of room to allow for the inclusion of a diaper and plastic pants beneath - although personally I would concentrate on enhancing the snugness of fit. Finally although, as admitted, the buttocks are modestly covered and therefore protected to some degree, this protection could be ameliorated to some degree by an imaginative choice of fabric or a tweaking of the design while still maintaining that element of modesty that, juxtaposed with the situation within which the garment is worn, ironically adds to the element of humiliation.
Well, there you have it, the bare bones of an idea. Now, anyone out there suitably inspired to flesh out those bones? Or do you envisage your young ladies bending and jumping and sweating in sheer close fitting leotards or as naked as the day they were born? Don't be shy in letting me know your thoughts, ideas and criticisms; it is what this blog is supposed all about.

If one takes the gym suit (above right) as it stands as being just a basic template, then one can start to visualise the effects of incorporating certain features and choice of fabrics. For example, even as it stands, although it is true that the bottom is well covered, the bloomer-style legs allow scope for leaving the back of the thighs available, allowing the young woman to be encouraged in her exertions by the application of the palm of the hand or the riding crop. Then there is possibly a humiliating element already inherent in the design of the garment in that it has a passing resemblance to a childish romper suit and perhaps more could be made of this aspect - for example as it stands is plenty of room to allow for the inclusion of a diaper and plastic pants beneath - although personally I would concentrate on enhancing the snugness of fit. Finally although, as admitted, the buttocks are modestly covered and therefore protected to some degree, this protection could be ameliorated to some degree by an imaginative choice of fabric or a tweaking of the design while still maintaining that element of modesty that, juxtaposed with the situation within which the garment is worn, ironically adds to the element of humiliation.
Well, there you have it, the bare bones of an idea. Now, anyone out there suitably inspired to flesh out those bones? Or do you envisage your young ladies bending and jumping and sweating in sheer close fitting leotards or as naked as the day they were born? Don't be shy in letting me know your thoughts, ideas and criticisms; it is what this blog is supposed all about.
My Aunt has decided that my failures in self-evaluation and only adequate response to my two weeks of punishments specifically imposed because of this have merited a revision of my regime. I have therefore been returned to my previous regime which I ended at the end of June with immediate effect together with some additional strictures. This means I am back in school uniform, confined to the house doing housework, hours of detention and making punishment clothing in my room. I have been asked by my Aunt to make clear to you the additional sanctions I have received above those served during the previous six month period which ended in June.
• My school knickers have been replaced by brown woollen knickers with elasticated waist and legs reaching to just above the knee and with unfinished seams. Knitted by me and worn at all times.
• Grey woollen knitted knee socks.
• Brown round necked school cardigan with yellow trim worn at all times in addition to my waistcoat and V-neck cardigan and worsted pinafore.
• Yellow woollen thumbless mitts worn at night, when going to Church and at other times when use of my hands is not required e.g. when standing in a corner with my hands on my head.
• Less frequent hygiene privileges. Knickers and socks changed once per week, shirt, pinafore and woollen night dress once a fortnight and my waistcoat and cardigans once per month. One cold shower per week, twice daily washing of hands and face.
• No supper
• Stand all morning in detention.
• Regular and frequent corporal punishment. Monday – 5 strokes of the cane to my bare behind, Wednesday – 4 strokes of the tawse to the palm and back of each hand, Friday – 6 strokes of the strap to my bare behind, Saturday –5 strokes of the slipper to the palm and back of each hand, Sunday – severe spanking of my bare behind with hairbrush/paddle/hand wherever possible in front of guests.
• Mouthwash twice per day with carbolic soap, tablespoon of Castor oil once per day
• One visit to the toilet only per day – I must request permission but this will not always be granted. Toilet use to be supervised.
These conditions will last for a minimum of 2 months. At this point if my behaviour has been exemplary I will either be returned to my previous new regime (i.e. cleaning) but with fewer privileges, continue this regime for a further 4 months so that I have fully repeated my initial six month punishment and demonstrated I have learnt how to behave before progressing or receive a more severe further period of punishment before any progression. My Aunt has informed me that she is considering application of more infant school conditions and greater public humiliation should this be necessary and that I will over the next 2 months prepare the necessary Gingham dresses, cardigans and other clothing to enable this as part of my current punishment if my behaviour makes this appropriate
I hope it is clear the sanctions I have been correctly made to serve for my indiscretion are harsh but as ever my Aunt is always willing to consider further suggestions. In order to ensure my attention to detail my Aunt has already told me that any misbehaviour, beyond slight academic mistakes with my work, will result in an immediate 10 strokes of the cane and imposition of a completely woollen infant school uniform on Sunday, and that the later application of sanctions will ignore this. In addition I can expect very severe steps including removal of toilet use and greater public humiliation for further transgressions of the rules.
Judith T.
The old fashioned gym suit certainly offers plenty of scope for humiliating refinements. Offhand, a back buttoning design would add both inconvenience and embarrassment plus the option of a drop seat for discplinary access. You can also have fun with materials, a satin lining over bare skin could have interesting effects and pvc is always humiliating. It`s worth looking at some later examples from the 1960s and 70s for variations like stretch nylon and back zippers. On the subject of "interesting" clothing, Anne Browning and Rhonda Wagram's stories on Fictionmania are worth a look.
@Anonymous II
I'm baffled: I went to fictionmania but only found there mangas and videos. No stories whatsoever!
Could you please give a direct link to the stories you speak about.
I guess there are more than one fictionmanias out there. The one I meant was http://fictionmania.tv/ which is a large archive of TG fiction .
I apologise for having written the entry below to be posted as part of my punishment and then stupidly copied a previous essay I had had to write. I have added the additional sanctions which my Aunt has added as penance for my careless work at the end so as to show I have been punished severely.
“As part of my ongoing disciplining I have been ordered again my Aunt to specify my new regime so as to both accentuate my humiliation and obtain any additional ideas on additional strictures which my Aunt can consider for imposition. I completed three months under school detention having to wear a school uniform and spending my days in detention and making additional items of school uniform. In addition I had to on a weekly basis attend Church in my uniform, perform all of the house work and was subject to a regime of regular corporal punishment due to my failures in self-evaluation and my inadequate response to the punishments imposed for that offence. This included with one exception receiving corporal punishment in front of guests every week. In addition my regular Friday caning was administered in front of my guardians’ guests on Christmas day. My compliant behavior during these 3 months (extended from the original 2 months) led my Aunt to conclude that I can only be trusted to continue to behave, whilst being provided some greater work opportunities, by imposition of humiliating uniform at all times and the ongoing reminder of school detention conditions and corporal punishment when at home with more severity than when I was allowed to go and clean previously.
For a month now I have been working as an admin at the place where I was formally a Secretary in a temporary position. In order that my status is clear to my colleagues, I am dressed in effect in a uniform of green ankle socks, strapped shoes, my school knickers, a green gingham knee length dress and a round necked purple cardigan with green trim. In my role I have routine filing, photocopying and sorting duties. I am supervised by one of my former peers.
To balance the privilege of being allowed to work again my regime at home has been given even further rigour. I wear school uniform at all times :
• Grey woollen knitted knee socks, green round necked school cardigan with maroon trim worn at all times in addition to a matching waistcoat, maroon worsted pinafore with elbow length sleeves and which buttons from yoke to hem at the front and from the waist to hem at the back to enable easy application of corporal punishment, grey shirt and school tie.
• Grey woollen thumbless mitts and woolen nightgown worn at night
• Confined to my room doing clothing preparation and detention.
• Mon – 5 strokes of the cane to my behind, Wed – 5 strokes of the tawse to palm & back of each hand, Sun – unless my behavior and performance are exceptional I receive a severe spanking of my bare behind whenever possible in front of guests.
These conditions to last for a minimum of 3 months after which they will be reviewed.
I have been made to again suffer the humiliation of displaying my situation as I have today failed uniform inspection at work due to having buttons undone on my cardigan. I am to receive 12 strokes of the tawse to my behind and 4 strokes to the palm & back of each hand. For the next two Sunday’s I will wear a completely woollen infant school uniform. I will wear woollen knickers always. I will be returned to frequent and long positional punishments. “
In addition to these punishments set on Friday I am in addition due to my posting error to receive a further 6 strokes of the tawse to the palm and back of each hand, have all of the above sanctions extended in period from 2 to 4 weeks and stand and rewrite this article long-hand 20 times. In addition I am to expect yet further increased uniform restrictions at my next review.
My Aunt is always willing to allocate me additional sanctions which are suggested to and as part of my punishment as well as receiving such additions I will be made to publically describe them.
Judith T.
@Anonymous III
Thank you!
Judith's Aunt,
I commend you on your disciplining of your niece and suggest to you a further few sanctions.
Looking at some of the other ideas on this site I would suggest you get your niece to knit herself a one piece underwear garment reaching to her knees, with long sleeves and crew neck. This should be elasticated at the legs, wrists and neck and knitted from the thickest and roughest wool. It should button from neck to waist at the back with small buttons which should themsleves be covered by an additional flap. This would be a garment to be worn day and night with changes infrequent. It would prevent any toilet visits except when granted by yourself, be uncomfortable and hence a punishment in itself particularly in the warmer summer months and restrict any opportunities for self-fondling. You might also consider if buttons holes could be lnitted at the wrists for attachment of the thumbless mitts you use and also whether you could add buttoning restraints and/or zips to the inner thighs which could further reduce freedom at nights. From my own experience, and I am not usre whether you have already done this, I would suggest your niece's hair be cut at a level above her ears round her head and with her fringe cut back on her forehead she is both made to look odd and childish to those seeing her. I cannot laso see why you would not extend the wearing of a full wool infant's uniform to her time at work.
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