Your fave pervy Scribe is now back in London but a little side-tracked. I have just had my second ever driving lesson...And of course could only get through it
with the promise of a pint waiting at the end of the road; consequently I am presently holed-up in the Palmer's Green (a North London suburb - don't worry about it) Wetherspoon's...Hoorah!! I am now down to one pub visit every 10 days, so was a little concerned when some one came up to me a few moments ago saying that the London Beer (and cider - yeeuck!!!) Festival was coming up later this week. luckily for my mew year's resolution a quick perusal of the web proved him wrong, see poster. Needless to say that when the time comes that is the venue where I shall be found, so come and say hello if you are in the area - I only bite when I'm hungry! Meanwhile; besides the driving lesson I have also had a humongous workout in the gym so I have earned a few 'bevies' of the real-ist of ales and whilst partaking of said refreshment I hope also to gain a little inspiration in the shape of my favorite barmaid's delectably spankable little arse!
May Day Dance of the Rising Dong
7 years ago
1 comment:
"mew year resolution" :))
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