May Day Dance of the Rising Dong
7 years ago
Welcome, one and all, to the official, INSTITUTIONALISED, blog: The home of Garth ToynTanen, his ideas and, it is hoped, yours! Learn more about the author, what makes him tick, the influences and inspirations behind the INSTITUTIONALISED series. If you are an aficionado of the imposition on vulnerable young ladies of strict discipline and humiliating uniforms by the judicial application of cane, tawse, riding crop and by,less orthodox, psychological means - then this is the place for you!
Interesting picture - will pregnancy be playing a part in any of the upcoming volumes?
I hadn't planned anything along those lines. although I know that it is some people's 'bag' it isn't really mine. But then again, there is quite a lot depicted (or that I plan to depict) that goes on within the world of the INSTITUTIONALISED series which is not strictly speaking my thing.
I assume you are talking about a deliberate enforced pregnancy, with the subsequent removal from the girl of the baby - or even enforced abortion?
The closest scenario I can presently envisage occuring within the INSTITUTIONALISED story arc would be more likely one involving enforced sterilization. This was common enough within certain institutions at one stage for a variety of reasons and so is quite plausible - even if not within the 'voluntary clinical / psychological / behavioral research subject type scenario I initially invoke.
Interesting - I actually wasn't hinting towards any specific variation of the pregnancy theme, I was just wondering about it seeing as it was never mentioned here before and I noticed that there were some pregnant girls in the picture. Like you say for yourself, not really my 'bag' although I could find the enforced pregnancy and subsequent removal of the infant for adoption by a wealthy couple or something like that as being interesting. Don't think I would like enforced abortion, on the other hand - and this is coming from a staunchly pro-choice individual.
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