As promised: here are a few more page scans dealing with the intriguing subject of written impositions and other forms of non-corporal punishment and discipline - of which I prefer to focus on the latter. Click to enlarge and read. I will be adding some more commentary later today, when i am ensconced in the local coffee bar, it's just that it is easier to upload the images from home. Note that I do know than one of these pages I have uploaded before (page 50)
(click HERE to read the previous posting and page scans from this series) but I have repeated it here for completeness and to make it easier to read through the whole thing.

I have also finally found the scan of the cover which I had mislaid so you can see the tomb that these pages were taken from. As I have said before; this is not one of my works - but I kind of wish it was, it is brilliantly written (I think)!

Note too that the term 'child' here is meant as a deliberately derogatory term and that the regimens outlined here are intended (and most suitable) for use with recalcitrant young ladies in their late teens or even early twenties residing certain private institutions or under the tutelage of a governess at home.

Judith has just completed her latest 3 month discipline period under the more relaxed conditions which had been earned following her six month punishment period. I am pleased to report that her behaviour has met the high standards set for her and therefore last week she has had her conditions again further relaxed whilst maintaining the high level of control which her dreadful behaviour over the last year clearly warrants and requires to prevent further relapses.
She is continuing to work under the same conditions as a cleaner in three of my friend’s houses. There is no change to her junior school style uniform although she has been allowed to embroider a new badge and sew it to her cardigan with the role of “Junior Cleaner”.
At home she has the choice of wearing a junior school uniform consisting of brown school knickers including a medium size sanitary pad, grey ribbed knee socks, yellow blouse, brown and yellow stripped tie, brown worsted square yoked pinafore dress and brown V-neck woollen cardigan with yellow trim or the somewhat more comfortable but also more infantile choice of brown school knickers (and sanitary pad), brown ankle socks, yellow long sleeved Gingham dress and brown V-neck woollen cardigan with yellow trim. Given she is seen by visitors to the house in her outfit she is obviously having to face the invidious choice between her own comfort and looking even more juvenile – this is already giving her the discomfort of having to manage her own humiliation. At night she now has to wear a grey long sleeved starched cotton ankle length gown buttoning to the neck together with her knickers and sanitary pad.
She, of course, remains responsible for all of the housework. She is allowed to watch one hour of television per week. She must ask in advance so that my husband or I can determine the suitability of the programme. She has to record time spent watching TV in her behavior log. She is no longer confined to her room but I am giving her 10 hours per week of dress making or knitting to complete. She must go to her room when doing this work. At this stage I have decided to keep the imposition of a set time for her to go to bed which is set at 8:30 pm.
On Sunday she must still attend Church, in her brown junior school uniform and with autumn now here this includes a matching brown woolen jacket, mitts and woollen beret. In order to test Judith’s ability to self-discipline for the first time this Sunday, she will be carrying out a self-evaluation – which she will repeat every two weeks. She will have 90 minutes to prepare a six side essay outlining where she believes her behavior, attitude and work can be further improved, providing real examples from the past weeks, and her recommendations on how this can be achieved by experience, training or additional disciplining. I have already made clear to her that she needs to be self-critical in doing this and assigning the necessary actions upon herself and that if she does not there will be additional consequences.
All of her remaining conditions remain essentially unchanged although she no longer will routinely receive corporal punishment nor the weekly humiliation of serving corner time as she has every Sunday for the last three months.
She will remain under these conditions for the next ten weeks assuming exemplary behaviour at which time they will again be reviewed to determine if further limited freedoms are appropriate. These of course remain limited by the upper limits which Judith provided in her last post.
If anyone has any additional ideas based on their own experiences of effectively maintaining improved behavior as the disciplinary environment is relaxed or can suggest alternative approaches to those I have adopted please let me know.
I just love this stuff. As said in my last post, is there any chance of seeing the missing pages please ??
The book in question is not one I have written (unfortunately) so I am uneasy about posting too much of it - and to be honest the scans I have posted thus far are the best bits. But I'll see what I can do at a later date, meanwhile, the next posting will give a taste of something I have been working on - I hope it will be to your taste.
Is there any chance of posting the missing pages about written impositions??
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