On another tack: Those of you that remember and appreciate the fascinating semi-anonymously posted saga of Judith and the strict disciplinary regime imposed over her by her aunt, that has graced this blog from time to time, might like to know that another instalment has been posted by Judith herself as a comment on Aussie School Uniform Summer Dresses, Soap Operas and Inspiration (Just click to read).
Ordinarily I would re-post such a contribution in a proof read and edited form as a full-blown update as contributions posted as comments are so easily overlooked. However in this case, due to its length I thought it best to leave it as a comment but flag it up in this manner. It makes for interesting reading nonetheless but I can't help wondering if the young lady's aunt is not 'missing a trick' here, when putting the girl to work in what amounts to domestic service, in not considering perusing charity and second-hand shops for old shop-assistant uniforms - what could be more apt than a shop-girl uniform from a bygone age, either as it comes or, if accessorised with a suitable apron or tabard and a cap, as the basis for a domestic uniform of her own design. I have some experience of putting together an outfit in such a manner for a young lady living under a not dissimilar regimen in any case, but was recently inspired to this way of thinking having come across this old photograph (see right) of Marks and Spencer's staff from many years ago (the first dress chosen for the girl I refer to above was in fact and old Marks and Spence's uniform, albeit one from the 1980s, donated by a friend of my wife of the time for the purpose - a most practical solution for work around the house, especially when teamed with a transparent plastic bib apron). The 1980s uniform, along with other shop-girl uniforms, I will feature as part of my Picasaweb album collection in due course (I shall shortly be expanding my albums).

Meanwhile: It is my birthday on Thursday and although I am not sure what I will be doing on the day yet I can tell you that on Sunday 19th July (this coming Sunday) I shall be in (or just outside) the Camden Town Weatherspoons branch (LLoyds No 1 Bar) known as 'The Ice House' and positioned on the canal side (I'll put up the full address later) from around 13:00 - all are invited and I am easy to spot, so come and have a chat if you are in London.
1 comment:
Can't make it to London but Happy Birthday for Thursday, hope you have a good one.
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