Monday 20 July 2009

INSTITUTIONALISED 2: A new Title and Blurb / Description

Thanks to all those who wished me happy birthday by text and email. Yesterday went well in Camden - although the pub was in actuality called 'The Ice Wharf' not 'The Ice House' as I mistakenly wrote last time. I managed to get all three of my daughters together in the same place for the first time; all a bit emotional all round, especially as my eldest had never before met my youngest! I do feel a bit 'weird today, though. so yes, I probably will have yet another hair of the dog day - one last time... perhaps I'll get some stuff down on paper as well though, for the first time in ages. I have been at least a little productive today - I have just made some changes to the extended version of the INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 title and subtitle as it appears on Lulu. This to make it more visible to those search engines that mainly analyse the title - such as lulu's. I also took the opportunity to rewrite the blurb or book description as it appears on the Lulu site page for similar reasons - hopefully, indirectly this will make INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 more visible also! Volume 1 is piratically invisible to Google at present so gets few hits.

The Title:

INSTITUTIONALISED 2: Spanking, Caning & Humiliation, Confined in the Workhouse: Being an account of the imposition of strict discipline, humiliating uniforms, the cane, tawse and martinet on a group of young ladies in a Long-term Residential Clinical study

The Blurb or Book Description on Lulu:

Two young women - each coincidentally having an inheritance at stake and a grasping, manipulative stepmother holding the purse-strings - have been talked, cajoled and manipulated into joining a privately financed, residential medical research project. Initially signing up for 3 months, isolated within a secure hospital psychiatric wing in a world of petty rules, straightjacket's, bedpans, plastic knickers, diapers, restrictive school uniforms and drab prison dresses, each has now served that term several times over; one bristling under a strict boarding-school regime, the other under prison discipline. Overseen by strict nurses, a stern, cane wielding hospital matron & a female psychiatrist, manipulating her young charges by the deliberate induction of phobias, each has been browbeaten into extending her stay. Elsewhere a girl awakens, ostensibly following a car crash – by why is she restrained behind bars on a locked ward? Why does she recall the sting of the tawse, not the twisting of metal?
Later (or tomorrow) I'll post up the second part of that old gymslip spanking picture series I have scanned in and presented a few postings ago - for original posting click HERE.


  1. Happy birthday. Love the site. The blurb to me seems very informative, but comes across as somewhat wordy. For instance I don't think it is necessary to say "have been talked, cajoled and manipulated". Any one of these three words would be fine to use, but not all three. I would also omit "coincidentally" and "ostensibly" as they are unnecessary at this point.

  2. Point taken, Madmonkey, a valid criticism. I'm going to be taking another look later and if I can squeeze more in by eliminating some of that more verbose stuff then that is what I'll do. I think "coincidentally" and "ostensibly" will probably have to stay, though - well "coincidentally" definitely, because there is at this point no obvious relationship between the two girls concerned and they arrived at different times, although their tenure overlaps and their are some other points of coincidence – but to say more about that would be to give too much away to those who have yet to read it..
