Today I am going to have even less time than yesterday but I have had time to have a little nose through a Yahoo Group that I’ve recently joined while having my morning cuppa (tea of course – I’m a Brit). Called spankingdaughters2 (presumably there is a spankingdaughters1 group somewhere), I really can’t praise this group enough – I’ve only barely scratched the surface but already I can safely say that I have never come across so many pics in a group’s photo albums that I haven’t seen before (and I’ve seen a lot, believe me). I urg
e you – if you join no other group ever, join this one – and contribute some pics if you have any that aren’t there yet, so many groups have been promising but have fallen by the wayside through a combination of inactivity and spam postings. I couldn’t resist these three that I came across. I like to think of them as being titled as (1) Stepmother Climbs the Stair. (2) Stern Stepmum. (3) The Effect of the Regime. And as for these panties, what a great idea they would be - and it looks as if they might accommodate a diaper, latex knicker liner or absorbent towel if toilet retraining was the aim.

By the way, The link can be found in the Yahoo Group section of the Resource List in the sidebar over on the right.

…See you later, I'm off to the pub to try finish INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 although I'll probably get sidetracked on to volume 3 again - I always though teeth braces were a good idea for an over-confident, vain and pretty young miss...but this notion of deliberately induced stammering that I have been going on about recently is just too exciting to put down - what do you think?
1 comment:
What a delight to see this naughty female walking up the stairs to be caned on her bare bottom. Plus erotically wearing suspender-belt and stockings. I love it. Life can be such a wonderful pleasure, at times.
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