I have just added a new art link to the resource list in the sidebar: Art by Paul Alazar (click artist's name, the illustration on the right or go to the side bar to view). I know one pic would have done but the first I couldn't resist as the pose is so reminiscent of the well trained schoolgirl pic I posted a few days back. The second is near perfect for a scene I have in mind for INSTITUTIONALISED vol 3, just imagine an attached tray or table top: "the perfect highchair for the recalcitrant teenager" you're probably thinking. You're also thinking "a bit of adult baby play - how cliched is

And yo
u'd be righ
t, of course - if that was all there was to it...remember there is an inheritance at stake and I for one can't see how a harmless bit of AB fun and games is going to help secure that. The third drawing just made me think: it could almost be Susan or Lavinia over their respective 'aunts' lap - it has to be the latter girl actually, looking at the hair colour and even then one must take into account that Lavina's hair was still waist length when she was living at her aunt's. The woman could never quite bring herself to cut it, despite the positive effect that would likely have had on the girl's discipline. It would have broken her heart to have marred such beauty and that of the girl too - which is exactly why the institution's staff don't share such qualms.

Now as much as I hate to dredge up an old subject yet again, in my research for volume 3 (I know, I know...I haven't even finished volume 2 yet - still, one must think ahead in this game) I came across a neat little story incorporating shame-clothing(a sailor -suit dress) enforced adoption of a juvenile persona and mouth soaping (hmm...some interesting ideas there!). For the life of me I couldn't dredge up a decent sailor-suit dress depicted on an adult then I came upon this little number and all the buses came along at once, so to speak - the company that supplies this little gem should be the hub of the shame / punishment dress empire (in fact it caters to those Japanese Goth types - Elegant Gothic Lolita or EGL if you must) (Click on the photo to go shopping for the miscreant in
your life).
Actually there is a certain woman out there with whom I have been corresponding by email who would be benefit from this treatment (you know who you are...yes, you there...the woman in that 'high-powered' business suit).
There is even an entire 'school wear' section - how about this as a basis for a school uniform (front and back views - I'm starting to sound like a fashion writer, this is supposed to be a pervy fetish blog)

I realy do love the badge detailing - of course it would have to changed to a suitable school badge. My opinion, given our purpose, is that it would benefit I from a slight redesign: I would suggest making the bodice open-sided, doing away with the elasticated ruching to the rear, having it button fastening at the shoulders and shortening the skirt slightly. Perhaps, just perhaps mind you, I would consider replacing the belt with either an elasticated ball-clasp fastening purse-belt or, alternatively, replacing the buckle with a button fastening arrangement with two buttons to the front - I think that would give it a more 'uniform' look and there is that tedious fiddly-buttoning aspect to it (it might also be criticised as being too pretty in it present incarnation). Then there are the knickers to go with it (from
the same site) or if you should want that they peek out from beneath that school skirt or dress you have her in - how about these (right)? Perhaps replacing the leg ribbons with ribbons in the school colours or to match the dress or skirt. They have everything anyone thinking of introducing a little dress-discipline into their young charge's life could desire (as you will have no doubt guessed by now, I have somewhat fallen in love with this site).
How about putting your recalcitrant little 18 year-old in this little number - it would make a fine base to design a school uniform summer dress around, with a couple of modifications, don't you think. Perhaps shorten the skirt a little, put a matching ribbon in her hair - and some nicly vivid and throbbing wheals laid out across her backside!
(adorable indeed!).
How about a nice school pinafore? http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/english/gallery/customers/Netherland/liz/liz.htm
How perfect is this? The final photo of this set fair makes one want to reach for a length of the old rattan - she wouldn't be able to sit down for a week if she was mine!!http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/english/gallery/customers/germany/Petit%20Chaperon%20Noir/index.htm
Actually there is a whole bunch of this stuff on Deviant art.com http://news.deviantart.com/article/43098
if it is your bag - and it is fast becomming mine, it has to be said!

Oh...and that story...its only short, unlike the blog post it has spawned - it is called Alice's second chance, Alice's second childhood (just click to read) by someone called Derry. I bet you thought I,d forgotten - nah!
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