Friday 3 June 2016

Celesta University: Degrees of Depravity by SelectaCorp Gameplay Guides

Hi Folks!  Yes we live in exciting times!  And the 'Celesta University: Degrees of Depravity' game is an excellent example, as witnessed by these Youtube gameplay guides recently published by those excelent chaps at SelectaCorp.  But first, something of an apology - and something of an explanation by way of mitigation:
 Yep! It's been a mighty long time since my last post, and I do seem to have neglected this blog in favour of my Tumblr blog and Pinterest account somewhat - for which I can only appologise.  In my defence I have to say I've had a mighty struggle with my internet provider as well as certain personal / family problems which have kept me away from home quite a lot. 

 I've also now taken on a little unpaid voluntary physiotherapy / rehabilitation work with vulnerable adults which involves my taking over from their National Health Service (NHS) physiotherapist at the end of the physio's  allotted time with the client and continuing to monitor, supervise and encourage the client's further progress / rehabilitation by working through their exercise programme with them on a regular basis.  The latter though - now that I've worked through the various courses and taking hand-over from the physios concerned with my first couple of clients - will entail just one day per week and will slot nicely into my weekly routine with little or no disruption of my various publication projects as I've planned it to occupy one of the 'dead days' during which the 'other half' (the Mrs, for the uninitiated) is around the flat making work difficult in any case.
 The reason I've felt able to update the Tumblr and Pinterest accounts is simply the ease with which I can post to them - I can even reblog stuff from various sources straight of my smart phone - as compared to blogger, although I can be a lot more creative with blogger.  Added to this is the fact that I have built up quite a collection of photo-manipulated, annotated and captioned stuff which I can just simply drag and drop into the other accounts.  It's a whole lot more long-winded on blogger.
Right, that having been said; my work with SelectaCorp on their new game - 

‘Celesta University: Degrees of Depravity’ - has been continuing in the background all the while (as have some of my other projects such as some writing and also my 'Illustrated Institution' art project, of which more another time) - albeit in a sort of stop-start ad hoc manner.  At the time of writing the game has been in beta testing and I have been running through it experimenting with gameplay (ie, playing the thing).  SelectaCorp have now put out a series of gameplay guide videos (CLICK HERE TO VISIT THEYOUTUBE CHANNEL DIRECTLY) which you can see on this page - thanks for the link, Ulver!  Give 'em a view, make constructive criticism and share what you think.  

I should point out that it is possible the final version of the game could vary in detail from what you see here - for example I myself recently made a suggestion to the writers aimed at improving a small part of the opening / introductory section - but these vids should give you a good idea of where it is all going and what to expect.  All suggestions will be welcomed by the writers I'm sure.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Celesta University: Degrees of Depravity. SelectaCorp’s Latest Roleplay Game

Hi folks.  I know, It's been a while! 

Celesta University: Degrees of Depravity... I LOVE that subtitle!

 I bet you’ve been wondering what happened, where I’ve been?  Well to be honest, other than a few days away in the New Forrest area immediately after Easter (when it’s cheaper) which was nice, if a little uneventful, I can safely say I have never had so many things go wrong at once and had so many complications spring up, from the kids being at home throughout the school holidays (they’re usually down at their gran’s), to an Internet service provider changeover which was supposed to have occurred ‘seamlessly’ while I was away (ha! Ha! haha!!..Sorry!) and which went wrong and which is still rumbling along in the background even as we speak.  I even managed to contract food poisoning at one point (I suspected campylobacter jejuni at the time coz I’ve had that before and know what it feels like – though now it seems more likely to have been some kind of virus, since lots of other folk have had it apparently). 

For a more detailed picture of my woes since Easter take a squint at the comment I made at the bottom of the comments page for my blog post last time which I uploaded from my phone while on my way home from a weekend away yesterday – and lucky I did, since upon my arrival I was confronted (yet again) with a flashing router lamp and no Internet at all.  So what you are about to encounter  Vis-à-vis my SelectaCorp commission was actually produced Friday, but I had no way to upload it until now.  It is a matter of great frustration to me that practically no sooner had  I received the commission to come up with a few ideas, criticisms and so on from the minds behind SelectaCorp – or at least made a start on it (I did at least get a list of suggestions and comments off to the writers before Easter, which is something) - than all this kicked off. OK, as I say in the aforementioned comments, timing played a role, with Easter fast approaching at the time, but I don’t GET that many commissions and I like to think of myself as a chap of integrity, who has a professional outlook on deadlines and the like and hate letting anybody down.  

Celesta University - Degrees of Depravity
Well, that’s my grovelling done with.  So, what is this new SelectaCorp role playing game all about and in what ways does it fit in with the kind of things I usually write about?  Well it’s a story best split into at least two parts, of which this is the first (obviously) and deals with the basic premise and introduction.  
The basic premise is  that SelectaCorp -  a wealthy, covert female slave trading network or cartel with a world-wide reach and safeguarded by many influential backers - has developed something of a supply chain problem.  They have been searching for a reliable method  to source and recruit the raw material from which to form and mould the kind of upmarket ‘merchandise’ their  highly selective clientele desires and is willing to pay a massive premium for – i.e. young impressionable girls, preferably from the higher echelons of life.  While doing so the organisation has uncovered a promising target for subversion in the guise of a residential college for young women wherein a surprisingly large number of staff have been identified as possessing weaknesses and ‘skeletons in the cupboard’ of various kinds leaving them open to the kind of compromise and manipulation SelectaCorp operatives excel in, and their institution suitably ripe for corruption and control.  As SelectaCorp see it: “a prime incubator for the highest value product in the market.”  
As the player, you become “a seasoned operative” about to undertake a mission likely to prove “one of the most challenging [SelecataCorp has] ever faced” .  But it is a mission which is “also potentially the most rewarding” both to the SelectaCorp organisation as a whole and to the operative concerned as he (or she – why not?) gradually subverts more and more staff members by blackmail or other means.  Gradually working their way up the university hierarchy, gradually gaining ever greater influence and control along the way, the operative seizes control, first of individual elements and departments within the university, then of the running of the university as a whole, the SelectaCorp influence in the guise of the operative insidiously creeping over everything, radiating, spreading like the filaments of a fungus or mould, like dry rot eating away at the institution’s integrity from the inside until what is left is little more than a thinly-veiled female slave training camp, complete with auctions to the highest bidder .  

Already at this stage of the game - as the game opens – SelectaCorp have paved the way for the insertion of their operative.  The premise is that SelectaCorp, having made “a generous endowment” ,have already managed to be invited on to the Board of Trustees, being clearly the kind of philanthropic organisation whose motives are surely “as pure as the driven snow.”  Already the rot has set in!

More next time, including some suggestions I have made.  It might turn out to be a couple of days though, as I have to put aside at least a day to get one of my books out: my money is fast running out now and my income from LULU (such as it was) has all but dried up (£25 this past month. So I have to get something out fast now, just to keep going, even if it means putting something out in several instalments.

A hell of a lot of what it comes down to is having spent the best part of eighteen months of my life - pretty much futilely, as now seems likely - working on the Roger Benson art project, creating new 'Bensons' from elements of several of his others; that's painstaking work; and time-consuming work too!

Friday 25 March 2016

Rising From The Ashes - ’THE GIRL IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS' Takes to the Bloggersphere Once Again

Hi Folks!  Happy Easter! (In case I forget later).

I’ve just heard that one of the blogs I mentioned last time as having become defunct has been rehabilitated, reinvigorated, revived (choose to suit yourself) or whatever.   

However you care to term it, the fact that ’THE GIRL IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS' rides again can be no bad thing.  The link is over there in the right hand sidebar in the blog list (filed under T…for ‘THE’ where it’s always been – and under the same title too – but now linking to the new address of course.  My thanks to Polyxena for the update!

At Ghostwriter’s suggestion I have added ‘LADY2MAID’and have removed  ‘ Italian Maids Blog’ as a duplicate. Thanks for the ‘heads up’ Ghostwriter’

While I was going about the above aforementioned task of updating that particular link I took the opportunity to remove a few dead links which had come to my attention.  Thus the following have been deleted from the blog listing:    

Curious QBuzz
Female Orgasm Denial (The)
Girl Spanked
girls pyjama spanking
Intimate Invasions (Enforced Enemas)
Mr Tawse
Mr Whacker
Poppy's Submissions
Punishment Films News
Reflections on Red
School Knickers
Spanking Hungary erotikus
Spanking The Shamrock
Spanking Porn Blog
Spanking Spot

If any of these still exist, perhaps under a different name or hosted elsewhere, and anyone knows the link address / addresses, please let me know.

‘Spanking Art’   I removed because it hadn’t been updated for an incredible TEN years!  And there was nothing much on there anyway – if there had been some worthwhile content I might have left it along for a while.  Similarly I removed  ‘The Condign Blog’ – updated FOUR years ago - and ‘The art of corporal punishment’ which was last updated THREE years ago.

There are doubtless many more, and I also took the opportunity to change the blog listing settings to flag up the date of last update so that at some point I can more easily run through and prune out some more of the dead wood – but for now I am hard at work wracking my brains over a somewhat challenging, though stimulating, project I’ve been working on (see below re SELECTACORP) and don’t really have the time.
‘Tan Her Hide’ – even though it was last updated SEVEN years ago – I have let be at the moment, since it houses some interesting material which not everybody will have seen and also an extensive series of blog links, a few of which are not presently in my blog listing here but seem to be active and worthy of a visit at some point when I have time, which I haven’t at the minute since I am busy working through the documentation from SELECTACORP covering their new upcoming roleplaying game ‘CELESTA UNIVERSITY: DEGREES OF DEPRAVITY’ – of which I’ll report more in my next posting (which may well be as soon as this very evening or early tomorrow morning, depending on what I mange to get done).

By the way: ‘Red Lion Street’ I deleted because it has been made ‘invitation only’ - and I have no idea how one goes about getting ‘invited’!  Please let me know if you know how.

See y’all later!