Wednesday 6 March 2013

Alice Under Discipline 2 - Alice And The New Magdalene Laundries - Now Out On LULU!

 Hi folks!  Just a quick note to say that Alice Under Discipline Book 2: Alice and the New Magdalene Laundries, is now officially out on LULU (click to visit).  Unofficially it has been knocking around there for a couple of weeks but I didn't really want to make an announcement until I had had a little more feedback and had time to correct any typos which might have crept past my trusty proof readers.  To be perfectly honest I have subtitled it on the front cover  'Alice and the New Magdalene Laundries' in the unashamed hope of feeding off some of the renewed interest in the British media of late over those infamous establishments.  The slightly longer subtitle which occurs on LULU only of  '...or the tale of a modern lass caned and spanked over the knee of governess, nurse and nun' is all about catching the eye of LULU's search engine.   

Only published as a PDF download at present it has yet to be furnished with a cover or marketing image, but when I have time to do a little Artwork I'll make it available as a paperback and then offer it to my ebook / epub publishers, Andrews UK LTD.  When it comes to cover art I think good ol' Louis Malteste has come up trumps again here.  And as his stuff is out of copyright I might use one of his pieces as a sort of ghostly background image as I did before on the front cover of the original Alice Under Discipline Book One.  Yes, I am well aware that the cover was banned (well, rejected at least) by Amazon or one of the other outlets and  that Andrews UK LTD was therefore forced to employ one of their stock covers for that particular title.  But the problem was never about the Louis Malteste background spanking imagery, nor the stern-looking cane-wielding nurse figure; rather their gripe was over the hand in the foreground and the depiction of proffered pharmaceuticals (the drug capsules in its palm).  A similar consideration applies to this work - right - which is by one Léon Roze.

Friday 1 March 2013

Hard at Work Caning Publicity Channels

Of late I’ve been hard at work caning every publicity channel I can think of.  In addition to the website which has been practically expanding by the day (almost), I now have a presence on Flikr and Deviant Art.  See if you can find me there!  Flikr will be a challenge as I have deviously used a pseudonym…  Well, not really.  It is just that I already had an account from long ago I’d never used and it was just easier to put that to use than create a new account from scratch… And next thing I knew I was referring to myself in the third person! 

The sharp-eyed among you will also have noticed I have had another go at improving the link to the website which resides over there in the right hand sidebar; still needs work though!

Now if you visit the website you will see a section put aside to showcase the work of one Angela Fox.  Now Angela Fox is definitely not a pseudonym of mine, but we have colluded on various graphical ideas in the past and have agreed to showcase each other’s work in various ways, which potentially should be entertaining all round. 

Angela Fox is in fact a good friend whose name will possibly be new to many of you, even those of you already familiar with my own work.  To quote from the brief biography she shares with us on the rear cover of her publications:  Angela Fox is the pseudonym of a semi-retired registered nurse presently residing in rural Southwest England but originally hailing from Lancashire.  Angela Fox is a naturally dominant woman who has had much experience of delivering consensual discipline and whose spare time nowadays is given over to writing while also dabbling in computer graphics.

The work of Angela Fox (click here for her website) differs entirely from my own writing style in that she tends to lean towards stories encompassing more of a consensual component.  By contrast, in my tales if there is anything apparently consensual about a subservient character's involvement at all, you can bet your bottom dollar the freedom to choose is illusory at best, and subject to some dastardly, manipulative, underhanded trick at worst.  In my work, the term 'consent' may be apparent somewhere and in some form - implicitly or explicitly woven in to the fabric of the tale and often presented as a quandary.  But when I use the term it tends to apply more to the awakening of some poor downtrodden young thing to the realisation she has inadvertently, either through trickery or downright coercion, 'consented' to having waived her right to need to give consent.

When Angela Fox's uses the word ‘consensual’, on the other hand, she does so in its more usual interpretation.  As she says: what she enjoys most is “writing stories” in which “corporal punishment is used to achieve positive goals”.  In Angela Fox’s work “dominant characters are always female” but “submissive characters may be” of either gender.

More cover art from Angela Fox’s books and novels will appear on the ‘Beyond The Barred Window’ website shortly, along with links to their placing on LULU.  I chose this particular book to showcase here because I like the cover so much, it having been inspired by one of Roger Benson’s hand-drawn Reformatory series (the original is in the blog archive somewhere, I am sure – see if you can find it using the sidebar search facility – coz I’d be interested how well it works.)  Click here to go to 'The Wardress' on LULU
Meanwhile, as for my own work; I am still messing around with graphics ideas for the cover of ‘Alice’ part 2 before fully publishing through all channels (and awaiting feedback from one of my proofreaders).

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Alice and the New Magdalene Laundries - And a Clip of Victoriana Nonsense I Came Across Long Ago

Yes, you've guessed it!  I  finally  have the new book at the point where it is nearly ready to be published.  It requires only a few more corrections - and of course the all-important (to me at least) cover art / marketing imagery.  The title I have come up with in truth relates to only part of the tale but is unashamedly designed to ride on the renewed wave of interest here in the UK in the press and on the radio over the notoriety of the Magdalene laundries.  Of course the institution I describe is entirely fictional - but it is also all too plausible; especially when one considers the fact that the last of those deplorable institutions was only closed down in 1996!  I may elect to place it on LULU sans cover art to begin with, as I did the last title I produced (which is now out on Amazon et al courtesy of Andrews UK LTD by the way) so it may be worth a search through LULU to check from time to time.


Alice Under Discipline - Book Two
Alice and the New Magdalene Laundries

Now that I have that off my chest I can be off out to the pub.  You see the cat's away (the wife - and she 's taken the kids!) for the week and as I haven't been near a pub since the 3rd of January (and it's sunny here in North London) so I have decided to award myself a few days imbibing the local Ales.  At the same time I'll be taking the netbook computer I have and God-willing I'll be putting together some introductory articles and such for the website.  The latter I shall be updating next either tomorrow or Thursday, most probably with a few pages spotlighting the work of a guest author.  And on that subject; I plan to host a series of pages on the website (link in the right hand sidebar) devoted to publicising the work of other authors, so if any of you are interested in giving your work the light of day let me know, either here or by email, Twitter, Facebook or whatever.

 Talking of other authors:  Ages ago (many years actually) I came upon something which later went a long way in influencing the kind of thing I tend to write about.  If you look you'll doubtless recognise many themes I have used or touched upon in my novels or on this blog over the years.  

"...suffice it to say that after five years both signatures were dully obtained – and then both names fade from history, just rumours of institutional care remaining.  Others, though, have pointed out the startling resemblance of two of a certain titled lady's maids to the twins she once had in her care, not to mention marvelling at the exacting level of obedience she managed to extract from the girls.  One visitor describes the pair of them as obliging and sweet, but “little more than pretty automata, seemingly without a thought of their own in their heads”.  

 The regime which may or may not have produced such “exacting obedience” we know more of, though – our lady disciplinarian was something of an obsessive journal keeper, it turns out.  For instance every detail of the two girls' 'finestred'  - or windowed, as she describes them – dresses is outlined, detailing how she based the dress design around the summer uniform of a particularly strict girl's boarding school, before adapting it to her own specification, complete with underwired cut-outs to expose the breasts and a mid-thigh widely-flared skirt (her description) – and all this in an era when to show the ankle was deemed outrageous, if not downright obscene.  Then she plaits and coils each girl's long hair, tying each plait with a blue gingham ribbon - chosen to match the schoolgirl dress - at its end before coiling it up either side of the girl's head and pinning it in place like a straw tea mat, before then plonking a straw boater on each girl's' head. 

Actually, it is only when one of the girls throws something of a tantrum over having to wear what the girl herself calls “that stupidly childish hat” that this disturbingly clever woman's imagination really goes to town.  She deals with that little disturbance by taking a pair of barber's clippers (manual in those days) to the tops of both girls' heads, cutting bald a pink-hued path the width of the clippers (around an inch and a half to two inches in width I imagine) down the centre of each girl's head before plaiting the remainder.  From that point on she takes a cutthroat razor to that furrow on a weekly basis to keep it clear, ensuring that neither girl has much desire to remove her school uniform hat, even in private.  At one point, at least in her journal, she considers shaving them both bald, but then considers that she prefers the manner in which the residual plaits coiled to both sides of the head makes them look ridiculous – she doesn't tell the girls that, though, always holding over their heads (forgive me) the threat of taking the clippers and the razor to their remaining 'crowning glory'. 

But she does eventually take the razor to their eyebrows – you couldn't make it up – and I haven't, then even takes a small pair of scissors to their eyelashes.  It almost goes without saying that intimate shaving is the next step - backed up by the not-so-judicious application of the school cane she quickly introduces.  The latter is treated to a long, drawn-out, blow-by-blow or cane-stroke-by-cane-stroke description of how she wears down both – interspersed with ice-cold showers, day on day – before they finally submit to her intimate attentions.             

Then we have listed is a step by step series of measurements detailing the drawing out and distension of the girl's nipples, ending when both girl's nipples had been stretched to very nearly two inches in length.  And their breasts seamed to have been elongated to some extent too.  And not satisfied with that, she then starts adding thicker and thicker – and therefore heavier, one would think - nipple rings, with the expressed intention of widening the holes “so that they never can be hidden” as she says.  The very next thing – well it's not the very next in that the nipple stretching exercise is in the early stages, though well on the way and both girls are becoming well familiar with the breast-whip, both around the nipples and on the undersides of the bosom, but the next thing is the nose ring.  Now in today's world that is possibly not that astounding, but in the Victorian world?  I for one didn't even know that sort of thing went on.  And did they even have anaesthesia back then?    Well, I'm not sure of that last part, nor where the Victorians would have obtained ice from in the middle of summer.  What I do know is that there is a very detailed, wholly realistic and believable account of how a female specialist, some colleague member of some discrete Sapphic organisation or club judging by the impression I get, is called in and how she applies ice to the septum of each girl's nose before carrying out the act itself.  Needless to say a very long-drawn-out caning precedes the treatment, neither girl being what one might call exactly keen. 

 But nonetheless, the treatment goes ahead and both girls are soon sporting what sounds to have been quite a large and cumbersome nose ring.  And as with their nipples it isn't long before a larger and heavier ring  is substituted for the original - and then another and another, each designed to stretch the original piercing larger.  And when one of the duo goes running, crying to her guardian, instead of castigating the girl's governess the guardian actually suggests to the woman that she adds a bell to each girl's nose ring as a form of discipline, even going so far as to suggest it too, like the ring itself, be made progressively larger and heavier.  It is only a short step from there - once the idea had taken hold and the two girls' refusal to speak with the lisp their governess had decided she liked had grown to irritating proportions - to piercing the tip of the tongue and the lower lip of each girl and conjoining the two body parts with a ring.  I imagine that latter operation dealt with the refusal to develop a lisp alright!

 Then we come to another apparently anachronistic development.  We come to the question of our duo’s knickers.  Don't forget we are talking about the Victorian era here, when skirts brushed the floor except for those of little children, and drawers or bloomers were knee length or even ankle length.  We have already mentioned the fact that our duo's frocks were mid thigh, if full-skirted, and based on strict long-sleeved and high-collared school summer dresses, albeit cut away where it mattered to expose and 'present' their breasts.  The styling, as I understand it, was some sort of variation on the favoured 'sailor suit' dress usually reserved at the time for children, but in a gingham check pattern with contrasting stiffened white collar and cuffs and 'cut' and 'boned' to not only allow for the maturing figure, but to actually augment and exaggerate it.   So what about their knickers or bloomers – well, what would you have come up with, given the limitations (perhaps advantages -  just think about that for a moment) of the Victorian era?  I wonder?  I wouldn't mind betting it wouldn't involve rubber. 

 Vulcanised rubber was a fairly new material back then.  And who would have thought then of employing this new material in young women's underwear – very few, I'd wager.  But this singularly brilliant woman did – and who other than another woman would have appreciated the torment this new fabric could potentially cause the female person?  She describes her design work as trunk-style.  She goes on to detail “a close-fitting garment” having deep-sectioned ribbed cuffs around the thighs and possessing a high waistband, the latter consisting of the rubber wrapped around and over a girdle of spring steel and arranged to come together at the rear with a tongue and clasp arrangement designed to take a small padlock (to deter tampering – as she says).   A “virginal slit” occupied the gusset position, this being in reality a double slit separated by a thin tubular centre seam, the latter clearly intended to separate the outer labia and encourage the inner labia to protrude through the thin slits either side.  Going further to the rear, and this centre seam split in two to form a 'y' shape, the two halves being studded with reinforced brass eyes that were, in wear, laced together with a tough cotton cord, of which the latter could be rapidly drawn out to allow for natural functions – or the attention of the cane or strap – if of course one had the key to the second padlock that secured the eyed ends of the laces.  Which of course neither girl had.  

It was all about control - but also about exposure; one can only imagine the obscene view presented by a girl bent over her desk, so dressed, her inner lips hanging like coral-pink curtains pressed out either side of that tight latex bar stand-in for a gusset, pulled up inhumanly tight between her legs.  And then you  have the skirt, a nest of heavyweight gingham check satin puffed out over layers of sky-blue petticoats like an inverted carnation, irresistibly drawing the eye to the glistening centre.  And why a glistening centre?  Possibly  not totally unconnected with the fact that the front of the gusset - the precise point upon which the two split haves converged on the centre seam – was occupied by a little circular beard of bristled rubbery filaments purposely aligned to impinge directly on the most sensitive part pf a girl's anatomy.  How could that part not glisten, teased, massaged and stimulated as it was with the girl's every step?  So each was kept, aroused, punished and humiliated in equal measure - and all at once - each girl's mind a permanent swirling turmoil of conflicting emotions.  And masturbation was out of the question:  Handcuffs had been invented and a single slim, short but strong slither of leather twixt the centre point of the linking chain and the girl's nose ring was all it took to keep that particular temptation at bay.  A ribbon sewn in to the high-throated collar of her long, chaste, woven woollen nightdress would take care of keeping her nipples and breasts under the tension required in order to stretch the flesh of those parts, the unrelenting tension being increased week on week, if not night on night! 

And then started the process of fattening them both up...  Another facet one might consider modern.    Our strict governess priestess apparently considered her bended-knee worshipers insufficiently worthy if not what she would have described as pleasantly “plumped-up”.  This implied, apparently, the result of prolonged overfeeding whilst the waist and tummy were simultaneously constricted by tight and strict corsetry, the idea being that “the fat should be laid down where it will be of most delight to the eye”.  By this statement she clearly inferred that the excess pounds should be deposited around the thighs, bottom and bosom. 

The result of all this - once squeezed into a fitted, boned, wide-skirted frock - was a startlingly wasp-waisted, broad-beamed figure, especially when augmented by the breath-stealing corsetry of the age.  And perhaps surprisingly the process apparently did indeed result in the weight going on around the bottom, hips, thighs and breasts as intended!   “Plump in all the right places” – as they used to say back then.  And that was exactly how she had the twins look– plump in all the right places – only perhaps a little too much plumpness for some tastes.   Not that the girls themselves had  too much choice in the matter, being weighed each day with the penalty of a good hard caning to be paid for insufficient weight gain.  A similar tariff was payable for insufficient nipple elongation.    The only way out of suffering for the latter was through the girl tugging and pulling on her teats herself of course,  Avoiding punishment for the former just required working on the appetite and stacking away the calories - and perhaps avoiding the mirror as the double chin became apparent.  The constantly varied diet helped, encouraging overeating at a most basic level - another anachronistic innovation worthy of a modern viewpoint. 

Avoiding the mirror was near-on impossible  since the tiniest pleat out of place  on what was termed their 'home uniform' was cause to be upended over their governess's knee and self inspection was made a de rigour part of the daily régime.  The flared-skirted childish sailor suit dress had to hang just so, with exactly a certain amount of bare flesh visible between the hem and the white cotton  stockings, the latter to reach to just above the knee where they were each tied with a blue gingham ribbon bow garter to match the dress.  And that bow had to be on the outside of the knee and dead horizontal – god forbid it was ever crooked!  And then the light blue patent leather lace-up ankle boots had to be tied just so.  High-heeled and with an acutely curving and potentially crippling 'S' shape sole they were all but impossible to walk in, enforcing a tiny, dainty step and teetering gait, but that was the intention – and they gave a pleasant uplift to a girl's bottom, which was a pleasant plus to their governess's eye.  And the straw hat was a fussy affair, it tied with a gingham ribbon bow beneath the chin but that ribbon had first to pass around the rear of both ears and then had to be tied so tight as to result in the ears sticking out – and that bow, large and ungainly as it was, had to tied just so, perfectly horizontal...."                                                                                                       

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Humiliated Lyons Tearooms Nippys - And Website News

Hi Ya’ll!  Well another week has slipped through my fingers.  But not entirely fruitlessly.  I have polished off  part 2 of Alice Under Discipline, though I am not sure if satisfactorily so as yet; I am  not sue how happy I am with certain aspects of it.  The problem has been that in my mind’s eye I have moved on since part 1 and in addition to working on a serious sciencey book about protein conformation disorders I have a plethora of incomplete fragments of something which amongst  other things revolves around a character who, along with her cronies, delights in watching (sort of stalking), picking out and then causing untold problems for certain young attractive ‘nippys’ who wait on her and her friends at afternoon tea at various Lyons corner houses or tearooms (the tale seems to have set itself in the early 1960s). 

This they contrive to do by picking fault in their service, both by conniving as a group or at other times as individuals, complaining to the manageress or supervisor with the aim of watching the sweet  recent-school-leaver of their choice being berated in front of them, with the sure and certain knowledge that the next time she serves one of them, the resulting flustering will likely result in yet another opportunity to nit-pick and trouble-make for their blameless young target.  Working together, by visiting the restaurant at different times as individuals and pairs and contriving to be served by their target, they are able to make it appear that the poor red-faced, flustered young thing is quite incapable.  It is a game with them:

They even go so far as to set up a certain pleasantly plump, well-developed young girl with one of their number’s nephew, merely so he can take her out in her lunch break (a persuasive young chap, and a chip off his aunt’s block) thus enabling one of them to later pass comment over the smell of alcohol on the nippy’s breath (he’s surreptitiously slipped a shot or two of gin in the shandy she’s risked imbibing).  
 In this manner, as it begins to take more and more to satisfy the group’s yearning to witness the public humiliation of others, several girls are brought close to getting the sack (and brought to public tears).  But with one girl  in particular they are indeed successful in getting her dismissed – and without references and little chance of re-employment… That is, unless one of the group were to step forward of course…  And needless to say the central character - and instigator of all this - has a 'thing' about ''nippies' and their uniforms, and discipline, not to mention holding strong views on the benefits of corporal punishment!  

The pics here (certainly the uppermost one ) are from 1925 -ish, but I understand that some variant of the uniform survived in to the early 1960s.

I have been doing a whole lot more on the new website, by the way.  It now has an all-black background (since I took my life in my hands and dug down into the HTML / CSS code), albeit with a grey bit at the bottom of the page; coz I haven’t worked out how to get rid of that yet.  It has a long way to go though; I am mostly uploading content from my collection of stuff at the moment and so there are still no words of explanation nor much in the way of text contributions generally.  In terms of site navigation:  in addition to the nesting pull-down menus or tabs at the top of the pages I am also building in a system of pictorial links as I go along…  Give it a try and see!   And let me know!   There is a pretty sad-looking link near the top of the right hand sidebar, which I'll sort out in time.

Yeah, Yeah I know; the text colour i've used here sucks.  But I'm pressed for time and I'll fix it later.. And hopefuly add a pic or two! 

And now I've fixed it - no more garish lime green (Thurs 14th)

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Ballet School Discipline - and the New Magdalenes?

A little while back I posted up a snippet involving a modicum of private ballet class discipline.  Recently that set me to thinking how within a suitably private, secluded scenario the approach of involving a young minx within a structured ballet class or school environment need not necessarily have anything to do with her learning ballet per se.  Nevertheless it might still be advantageous if she happened to be led - or allowed - to believe that the rigorous,  stern regime instigated by her new governess or dance teacher or what have you is headed that way, perhaps with the vague promise of a place at a prestigious ballet school at the end of it; and the dire warning of her lack of prospects otherwise, forever ringing in her ears.

Anyway what led to that particular train of thought was a little confection I blundered across today (see left) while searching for a few more Julian Guile illustrations to pad out my otherwise somewhat sparse collection of that artist’s work for inclusion on my new website.  Funny how these things work out!  When I was actually looking  I didn’t seem to be able to find much beyond that famous (I hope – it deserves to be) Rosaleen Young set and that photo set that was published way back in the mid-eighties in Janus and which I alluded to.       

While on the topic of Julian Guile:  Is it me or is his style virtually inseparable from that of ‘Thorn’ (can we even mention that name nowadays?  Last time it almost cost me having the blog shut down – I certainly won’t knowingly be including any of his work on the new website).

In terms of writing; much of today has been taken up writing about this sort of garb (eyes right!) for the new book but I have to admit to having been sidetracked by this little offering (left).  Now I am not one to be easily moved by art – and I don’t know what it is exactly – but I think I’ve fallen in love with a girl made of ink, pencil and pen!  (at least she can’t argue back)  (I originally wrote ‘pen and ink girl’ here, but that has unfortunate connotations in London-speak!).  And then earlier today on BBC Radio 4 - right as I happened to be working on a section relevant to that very subject - there happened also to be a discussion about Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, the last of which was only closed down in 1996 as you probably know by now; talk about coincidence!  It leaves me a little worried, though, that I might leave myself vulnerable to moralistic criticism if the public spotlight begins to focus too brightly on that particular area.  That is particularly the case considering a subtitle something along the lines of ‘The New Magdalenes’ has been running around inside my skull for some time now!

Just what is it about this one?  Might it be the face or exression?
In the background I have been adding and uploading more content to the website (which eventually will also host unfinished pieces, sketchy ideas and snippets that have not made it into my books or are intended to one day form parts of new works.  I have also managed to put aside a little time to make a few changes to the blog.  For example I have recently added  ‘Curious QBuzz’,    ‘The Spank Shop’,  ‘Teen Spankings & Discipline’ and  ‘Red Lion Street’ (“An illustrated erotic blog in 50 chapters by Captain Shame. ‘Impossible things happen on Red Lion Street’”)  to the blog list over in the right-hand sidebar.  In a new departure 

I have also started hosting links to ‘tumblr’ blogs and a new section has duly been created in the sidebar for just this purpose (I’ve just lapsed into the passive voice again – ignore it; I’m a scientist).   

For the time being the tumblr blog list shall be sited above the main blog listings to make it easier to find but “keep ‘em peeled” coz I’ll be adding to and updating the tumblr listing to as we go along - and eventually the list will move.

To get the ball rolling I’ve added to the tumblr blog list:  ‘Discipline Days’,  ‘A Firm Hand’ and  Spanking and Punishment Art’.  The latter I found to be full of imaginative stuff beyond the expected and ordinary (For example: see right for yet another image that spawned a burst of creativity today – pinched off that very site), although they all proved inspirational...  Great stuff!.  

And if I may now make a request it is this:  This blog is haemorrhaging readership (probably through my having so often neglected it over the last year or so, but I don’t think that is the whole story) and so it would be helpful if, when visiting or linking to other blogs and resources from here, you could perhaps - if leaving a comment or two or feeding back to the author for example - see your way clear to also giving a mention to this blog.  I’d be most grateful!


Friday 1 February 2013

My New Website - Now Under Construction!

Yes that's right!  While finishing off my new book, in the background I have been working on putting together a full-blown, full-featured website.  At the moment it consists mainly of all the stuff - women's workwear and uniforms catalogue scans and so one - that used to exist as Picasaweb albums linked to the blog, but hosting even more of my collection.  

As time goes on it will expand to contain all the things I have featured on the blog in the past and which went to inspire and inform my writing and motivate me to start writing in the first place (and much more besides), but in a more easily accessible and searchable form.  Right at this moment the website only exists in a draft form but you can visit this early - 'under construction' - draft version by clicking on either the title banner above or the mission statement thingy picture below.  I am very keen to hear your feedback / criticism so feel free to comment here, email, Facebook or Tweet me...  I look forward to hearing from you!

For now, this is how two sections of the home page look  Whether the title stays as it is depends on the feedback I receive; so it is sort of up to you.  I decided to call it Beyond the Barred Window rather than Behind the Barred window because...  Well... because it is sort of going... Beyond!  Beyond this blog and hopefully beyond the usually accepted remit expectedof a spanking or corporal punishment orientated website (or something like that!).

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Women's Prison Uniforms

Yeah, Yeah!  I know I said in a comment recently that the next posting would be Monday (i.e. yesterday) but when you've got the muse you've gotta write; and I have come across so much recently that has inspired me.

In the comments section of my last offering I have been in contact with - among others - 'WIP Fan' (WIP - Women In Prison):  There used to be a Yahoo Group by that name once - Women In Prison - such a shame so many of those groups got taken down by Yahoo!  Anyway, I digress, as I always do: I suddenly remembered the aforementioned Mr 'WIP Fan' (I think it was, at least) sending me a series of scans or pics of the front covers of various pulp novels dealing with women in prison and so on.  I think the reason was that I had mentioned that despite my best efforts to put over in words the prison uniform-type dresses imposed on certain of my heroines within the INSTITUTIONALISED series (trilogy) I still from time to time receive emails from readers uncertain or unable to fully visualise in their mind's eye the type of look I am trying to put over.  Now of course the setup expounded within the pages of the first three books is not a real establishment-sanctioned penal institution, but is rather an unofficial regime approximating to one, limited in size and residing within the department of experimental behavioural psychology, itself situated within the secure psychiatric wing of a private and exclusive hospital.  

It is also true that I originally based my descriptions on 1960s and early 1970s women's workwear, and have posted examples of influences elsewhere on this site, but one cover illustration in particular came extraordinarily close - considering I walked into the first novel entirely ignorant of such matters - other than that it features short sleeves and a single-buttoned belt (I think such a feature was termed a 'self-belt' if it was attached and so an nondetachable part of the overall or dress), whereas I define a style with long button-cuffed sleeves, two in-line buttons fastening the belt and (in one variant) a high buttoning collar.  The second photo I remember coming across myself the very same day while looking for something entirely different (not even to do with my books) and which I found on The Huffington Post.  The dress is purported to date from the late 1940s, but as to why the pic was on that site I have no idea; I don't remember it having much to do with the story.  Stylistically it deviates to an even greater extent from the ideal but what matters here for illustrative purposes is the sheen the fabric possess.

Other News:  Before I forget  Mr Strict's Intimate Invasions blog (enforced enemas) has moved for technical reasons to  I have duly corrected the link in the sidebar blog list.  I also added a few blogs in the lead-up to Christmas but neglected to keep score so it may be worthwhile taking a careful peak at the blog list; there may be something you've missed or not seen before. 

There would have been a third pic - this one to satisfy an anon contributor who wrote a very stimulating piece about locking romper suits (a great idea to tame a recalcitrant teen; paired with terry nappies and regular visits by Madam Sting, the cane).  It is of a nice little frothy PVC number, easily adapted with a little reddesign, requiring a change of fastening system to one featuring a zipper running up the rear and a reinforced collar with a suitable anchor point to slip a little padlock through securing the zipper tab..  I did write to the site I pinched the pic from, requesting permission to feature it, and have been waiting for a response (I had been hoping to set up some sort of affiliate link).  In the interim check out this: