Wednesday 8 September 2010

And so this is Christmas, or so it would seem,
another year over - so soon it has been.
But it sure must be Christmas,
though the days still be long.
It says so in the 'Wethers' (local pub)
and Tim can't be wrong (Tim Martin, CEO of the Wetherspoons chain).
With apologies to the late John Lennon (not that he cares - he's dead and out of it! Which just goes to show my present state of mind).
Cynical? Yeah, I guess you could say so. But it's a cynicism based on bitter experience - that's what life does to one. There are times that, sitting here, I can envisage little more attractive than stepping out into the midst of the Woodgreen / Turnpike Lane traffic. Not that it would achieve much other than an excruciatingly slow death, given that the average speed along the local highways and byways here hovers around that which might be expected of a particularly respectful horse-drawn funeral procession. But then, swigging back the second or third tankard of the day (today's tipple being the insanely strong Abbot Special Reserve - weighing in at an impressive 6.5% alcohol by volume and possibly lethal in large doses to the unwary), one opens ones email and lo and behold, more often than not a smile comes to one's face. No less true than today, people, when upon opening my mail mere moments ago I found myself faced with this gem, yet another of the set I posted so many moons ago originating I believe from the Spic and Span magazine stable published in the sixties and to which I owe so much in terms of my descriptions of the school-type uniforms featuring in the INSTITUTIONALISED series. I have boosted the contrast ( strictly speaking the 'Gama' if we are to be technical) and I think the detail revealed is remarkable. Notable are the integral belt loops and the breast pocket detail, the perfect space to fill with a colourful and suitably humiliating badge and slogan. If one needs a guide to the sort of thing I am - or will be - eluding to in the domestic discipline / 'schoolroom' scenes in my stuff this is it!

Friday 3 September 2010

Domestic Uniform Thoughts Back in the UK

Hi folks! I’m back in the UK and raring to go! To be absolutely honest with you I have been back for a couple of days now but today is the first I have decided to designate as what I would call a ‘working day’ - one has to start somewhere. I seem to have returned to something of a mini heat wave here in Angle-land and so decided to spend a couple of days touring around several pubs I've been meaning to visit for some time as a sort of holiday extension. Not that I've been entirely idle you understand; certainly the first day I have to admit that I didn't get much written as I visited my local Wetherspons pub wherein various friendly and well-meaning folks kept pitching up and joining me at my table. As much as ordinarily I'd welcome the company and diversion it was a bit of a shame that by the time I was left to my own devices again I was too pissed to continue! Yesterday was far more productive, although I'm not at all sure where the piece I was working on fits in the greater scheme of things. One aspect that has come to interest me, while I have had time away to think, is the concept of the subject, assuming a domestic environment, being placed under another's control who has been charged to act as a proxy in the absence of the dominant character. This seems especially potent if the person placed in temporary authority is someone who ordinarily would herself serve in some sort of subservient role. For instance one can easily imagine the gall felt by the pretty teenage stepdaughter placed by her haughty overbearing and domineering stepmother or guardian under the supervisory control of the housekeeper. Just imagine the thought processes running through the girl's mind as out in the kitchen she is loudly berated by the elderly housekeeper for having the collar button of her crisp nylon overall unfastened or perhaps having a stocking seam crooked and out of place - and all within easy earshot of her stepmother's or guardian’s guests. Perhaps one or two of the latter might be accompanied by their daughters, contemporaries of, or perhaps even ex-acquaintances of, the deeply shamed girl! Yes, I know it's been done before, most famously I think in the novel, Emma's Secret World, by Hilary James - or was in its sequel; I can't quite recall. But I think there is a lot more mileage that can be got from the idea if one revolves it around the central concept of the gradual introduction of some form of ‘domestic’ or ‘home uniform’ of her guardian of stepmother's own devising as a means to at first curbing then finally subjugating the girl to her will. One can imagine harsh angry tones emanating from the scullery and cutting through the gentle cream-tea-and-scones chatter of the well-to-do ladies gathered in the sitting room and the clink of their setting down their bone china teacups, all the better to overhear the carrying on. One can imagine the occasional amused smile and half stifled giggle as they hear their host’s housekeeper sternly issuing the reminder that it might well be the hottest day of the year so far and the new rubber corsellete her guardian had recently purchased for her might well be feeling uncomfortable but every button of her dress was to be kept fastened and that included the collar and the cuffs… and yes, she was to wear that new nylon tabard properly fastened over the top.

Of course I haven't given up on the institutional discipline side of things either in the above picture I found particularly intriguing is one thing I've always found interesting is the concept of an inmate in a privately run prison or asylum perhaps, being visited by the person responsible for their incarceration and being punished by that person. That is what this particular picture says to me. The woman in the background wears a tie suggesting some form of prison guard uniform, which helps set the scene, and the well-dressed woman I imagine as the visitor. What the plate laid in front of the inmate is all about I've yet to decide - any ideas anyone?

Friday 20 August 2010

Holiday Slipperings and Other Cocktails?

As you know I am on the Greek island Zante. Well I have know been able to borrow a 2-pin power adapter. This has to be one of the most isolated hotels in the world – no decent shops within walking distance; they weren't kidding when they said it was a quiet resort!. At least I have been able to get a little work done on the new book, though thus far not as much as I'd like (but I have seen a sea turtle – which was different!). The wildfire I could see raging on a neighboring island that I mentioned last time went on well into the night and I did my best to capture something of it (first pic – the small lights along the bottom are from resorts and coastal properties) on my clapped-out old digital camera (nice zoom, shame about the rest). Note to self: buy a new one, SOON!

I also came across this sign on the door to the hotel's poolside bar (2nd pic, right) that seems to threaten a slippering to anyone daring to enter with wet feet – over the knee or over a table I wonder? A discipline-minded bunch this lot – it seems the other guests get slippered too if one transgresses! Cheers – one ever-so-slightly camp cocktail the 'other half' thought it 'fun' to order for me: bring back the great British pint, that's what I say! (Photo left).

See y'all! CHEEEERS!!!!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

A Holiday Post


Here I am on Zante, one of the Greek islands. Can't say much now as batts low on computer (nothing new there, then) but amazingly hot, as one would expect. Not much here, but one thing is what would appear to be a wildfire on what I take to be a neighboring island – looks a bit like a volcano, doesn't it! More soon I hope and also I hope to get a little writing done if I can find a power adapter – they use 2-pin plugs here it seems!. See y'all later!

Friday 13 August 2010

Going Beyond all Logic

Well, that's how I see it! I have been forced to remove the links to the site / sites featuring the vintage content I referred to last time. The reason was the sudden and unexpected appearance of a 'pop-up' window associated with the links I had posted. The mind fairly boggles: surely the whole point of a blog / site is to be noticed. Well, as I said in the comment I appended to my last posting: bollocks to them - and I mean that quite sincerely folks, as an old TV celeb here in the UK used to say. 'Ladywriter', or whatever her real moniker. has a great site and yet apparently wants to dissuade people from visiting it, or at least from advertising its existence - does that make sense? Not to me it don't! Yes, that is bad grammar but what the fuck - I'm truly pissed off! As it is we live in a world of nation-nanny paranoia over here in the UK. For example; one of my two 'other halves' works as an exponent of pediatric dietetics but can't mention that former part of he job description for fear that the 'pedo' bit be misunderstood. Yes it is that bad over here - our government as was (Labour) liked to call it 'multi-culturalism'; I call it repressive, outmoded and redundant medieval views imposed by bully-boy tactics by bearded men that wear dresses and that then force their women folk to squint through letter-box slits out the world outside. All I have to say is that the English pronunciation of the name of the capital of Pakistan says it all – think about it! As for the pics: This is where I am – my home away from home, if you will. Yet it is neither free, nor is it a house. The street views should say the rest: I don't know what you have seen / heard / read of London, but this is the truth of it! No wonder I'm off to the Greek islands! The other thing is my beloved synth-thing – for all those that love Moog: it isn't! This is a modular system from a German company called Doepher (or something like that) – quite modern!

Thursday 12 August 2010

Walking Abroad

Time seems to go so fast as one ages. Indeed, yet another week has flown past without an update; for which I apologize. Not that I can even claim to have utilized every second in writing, but the creative process doesn't quite work like that: if there is nothing to write, then there is no point in putting pen to paper or the equivalent. On the other hand, following several loose threads has lead to the discovery of a trio of productive inspirational veins to follow. The first offering I have is Spankoz Spanking Blog, as aways click on the site name to visit or checkout the blog list in the right hand sidebar. If you like the vintage approach to spanking illustration and art you could do little better than check out the Spanking Art Blog on - as above to visit. On the other hand there is also Vintage Visions Spanking and erotic art. This is a site that is "dedicated

to the way artists, illustrators and photographers in the past showed their views on erotica and erotica related to spanking, masochistic erotica and fetishes" and that can be found hidden away in the 'Useful Resources' section of the right hand sidebar... 'Nuff said! The pics are a good representation of all three... but I can't remember which came from where! Meanwhile: Five am UK time Sunday should see me jetting off to a Greek island from London Airport, Gatwick - no, I can't remember the name! I'll be there ten days or so but hope to post on the move as I'm taking the faithful netbook with me, so I'll let you'll know where and when. Rest assured, though, that the work on the new book continues and my aim is that by the time I return to the UK the majority of the writing phase will have been completed; the other half likes little better than to lie by the pool all day meaning that I shall have little to distract me for ten days or so - not even booze!

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Dental Treatment, Discipline and Despair

I just love this pic (left) I have been sent (possibly originating from Medical Toys - web address in the 'Useful Resource' list in the right hand sidebar). It just so happens that I have recently been revisiting a piece I wrote that is destined either for the new book or for the true INSTITUTIONALISED volume 3 that should shortly follow it if all goes to plan - so you can imagine how this pic has stimulated the little grey cells! Imagine the aim is to curb the over exuberant teenage girl so as to ease the imposition of strict domestic or institutional discipline and all that goes with it – the juvenile uniform, the humiliating impositions, the hours of corner-standing, corporal punishment and the rest and the rest. There is much that can be achieved through the fitting of a lingual arch that just happens to interfere with the travel of the tongue or confidence-sapping teeth braces that make any glance at the vanity mirror a trial to be avoided with downcast eyes. Either can be expected to result in a much quieted, less self opinionated and more complacent young lady. Physical pain and suffering should not form any part of the equation of course and one would expect the relevant necessary level of anaesthesia and analgesia to be provided throughout. Indeed the use of a general anaesthetic has all sorts of advantages well beyond creative dentistry: for example a little surreptitious well-thought-out application of Botox conjures all sorts of morale-crushing possibilities. Then of course there is even the possibility of one or two extractions having taken place – which might appeal to the more extreme-minded. Personally I prefer to think of the more subtle. But nevertheless, though physical suffering may be entirely circumvented in this scheme, the psychological agony after the fact may be made all the more intense. Then afterwards the governess or other authority figure might well take it on herself, through some half-feigned concern, to closely observe her charge’s speech - to that young lady’s discomfiture - until the latter should stutter or stumble. A swift word or two of criticism and a stern request for the hapless young thing to repeat a sentence or two of lisped, mispronounced or stammered content should then be enough to get the ball rolling… (Right - a pretty smile, but for how much longer?)