Saturday 7 September 2024

Under Dr Swanley's 'Care'

 various control harneses for use in mental regression experiments. All of these designs force the subject to shuffle around on her knees but personaly I think the type which involve the hans being fastened behind the back would have the greatest psychological imapact as I think it would make the ever-present fear of toppling over all the greater. Of course both types of design would result in the wearer relying on one of carers to get her upright again. These are raw AI images by the way, other than the text on the first image of course, so there are some problems. The pointer is supposed to be a cane of course - and on some of my other images it does appear as a cane pretty well - but if you ask the AI for 'a cane' it drives the thing bonkers and it starts making all manner of threats about being chucked off the platform

I'd be interested in peoples opinions

The St Geraldene's Religious Re-education Centre Uniform Dress


Complete security, total isolation from external contact and ouside influences is guaranteed here at St Geraldene's. Our service is the ideal way to remove the troublsome woman, girl or recalcitrant teen from society whether temporarily or on a more long-term basis. If the former we ask for a minimum of two years and what will be returned to you will be a totally indoctrinated, completely docile, husk of who she once was.

Thursday 8 August 2024

The Girl With No Name...

 ...An experiment in memory corruption and false memory implantation (1)

Sunday 4 August 2024

Fluffy Bunny Thinks it's Funny... wee wee...Her stepmother thinks so too! That's why she's willing to pay out so  much money to keep her stepdaughter in this small private psychiatric care home while her own daughter marries her stepdaughter's intended

Lardy's Lot...Diagnosed Anorexic There Was Only One Way Forward For Young Lucinda

Eighteen months in a small private psychiatric home, completely isolated from the outside world in every way, can have a drastic effect on a girl. But it's entirely voluntary - there is documentation to prove it - and she's recently signed on the dotted line for another eighteen month stint, so life there can't be all that bad, can it.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Computer Controlled Puppetry (yeah I know there's a spelling error in the bottom caption of the first image but I don't have time to fix it right now - so shoot me...gently though, I'm very sensitive))


...Should she move too close to a window or door she'll hear a warning bleep. Should she then back away she'll hear a lulling, gentle soft feminine voice telling her that she's a good girl and at the same time be treated to some delicious sensations. Should she be so foolish as to continue, then a mild but startling shock will be administered while simultaniously being berrated by a harsh woman's voice shouting at her for being a brainless stupid little girl. Turning back she'll instantly be rewarded by the pleasant soft voice seductivly extolling the virtues of obedience to authority and perhaps even brought close to orgasm. If If she's given an instrucion by the computer it is not a barked order but rather a soft coaxing tone. perhaps " be a good girl for me and place your hands on your head...that's a good girl...hmm doesn't that feel nice...good obedient girls get rewarded...Now be a good girl for me and place your fingertips on your shoulders...Oh you are a good place your hands on your hips...". This sort of obedience training will go on and on, perhaps for an hour or more each day..."turn your head to the to the look straight ahead an touch your nose with your left with your right hand..." the instructions alwas coming in a random order and complience rewarded by exquisite sensations...Of course failior to comply or hesitency is punish by an electroshock and a harsh tongue-lashing and over the weeks the instructions will come faster and faster so that eventualy she has no time to think about it.

Instructions can also be given directly verbaly. The throat microphone can be switched remotly to pick up external voices and the voice recognition system allows for instant punishment for non-complience by simply saying "do as you are told, you stupid girl" Complience can be rewarded by simply uttering "that's a good girl". Similarly the system can recognize when she is asked a question or asked to, perhaps, recite something and allow her to respond but any attempt to continue on or start trying to say something untoward may be halted simply by saying either "that's enough now" or "be quiet". Any further attempt at talking will then be automatically punished while, equally,instantly falling silent will earn her the reward she is beging to crave so much.

In terms of efficacy: It is instructive to note that our little group of runaways we were able to recruit for our initial trial were originaly offered a tempimg sum for a one month stay...Well before the end of that month it was observed that all six were growing increasingly placid amd at the end of that month all six were allowed to dress in their own clothes as if to leave but were then each handed a voluntary consent document for a further eighteen months stay. Of course all six stared disbeleivedly at the paper work...Four had tears in their eyes and two began gently weeping...but all six signed when simply ordered to and were put back in their dresses.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Postural Correction And Speech Modification For Lady To Maid Reeducation And Conversion

"Our orthopedic posture correction harneses are adjustable to keep the shoulders pulled back to thier fullest, enforcing a smart attentive posture with a ramrod straight back and chest thrust forward - ideal for any situation where face slapping is to be used as a mathod of behavioural correction. Alternatively the harness may adjusted to pull and hold the shoulders forward creating a round-shouldered and slightly stooped posture and additionaly the harness connects to the collar at the rear and can be pulled back, enforcing a rearward tilted head, or pushed forward by an optional adjustable rod, enforcing a low bowed head. The latter, combined with the stooped rounded shoulders posture has proved ideal for helping a girl aquire the required submissive mindset. The integral throat microphone within the collar can be set to detect the slightest whisper and can be used together with our optional genital and anal electro shock device for clasical Pavlovian conditioning"