Friday 28 June 2024

Time For A Restyling Session...

Hey, I finally got some mittens sorted out. This was inspired by that Caroline Blake Lady2Maid storyline again of course, which is what I'll be employing those mitts for. I only put them in this pic because the AI, in its wisdom, created the girl without proper hands and I didn't want her to be disabled, poor thing...Of course with those mitts permanently on her she effectively IS disabled: She can't even wipe her own bottom, the poor thing (that sort of thing is something I think the writer might have made more of). Although there is some haircutting in the story it is more of a restyling job...I think here it is likely to be something a little more drastic. I'm quite enamoured with the idea of a short boyish cut with a side parting. I'm not sure why - it only works for me if a girl starts out with really long hair, the longer the better. This pic has parts taken from from 3 different AI runs plus quite a bit of stuff scraped from the internet.

It pretty much took all day, so please do tell me what you think, even if you hate it!


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