Monday 10 June 2024

The Toyntanen Take On That Old Written Impostion Theme: The Taped Dictation



  1. They all look suitably focused and indoctrinated ! K

    1. Keeping them focused is what it's all about....It started as a way of augmenting written impositions to make the tasks even.more onerous..Instead of simply copying from a book or simply writing lines. The idea is that there is a dictation which the girls must keep up with, maybe nonsense poetry or just random words. Although a 'non corporeal punishment it would be backed up by the threat of the strap or the cane. It would be timed such that a girl could finish it in time, but only by applying her complete and entire total concentration. The idea is that it is completely pointless, deliberately tedious but while still demanding full and total mental focus be maintained throughout. It would work best in a situation wherein there is a culture and policy of 'one girl fails, all are punished', since in that situation the psychological compunction to comply becomes magnified a thousand fold.

  2. Replies
    1. Tomorrow or Friday I'm going to redo the headphones post with proper captions and further outlining my ideas.
