Sunday 23 June 2024

The Toyntanen Take On The Education And Rehabilitation Of Miss Caroline Drake, Inspired By The Lady2Maid Blog

 I just love the idea of forced regression for some reason which was so well done in the above tale...I'm still yet to create the kind of childish outfits poor caroline has to wear, as described in the story though but I think I might br getting close....

I think I'm going to have to use a whole lot more photo-manipulation work and less AI art generation if I'm to be succesful.

Please leave a comment...I'm getting lonely out here...Plus I need to know what any of you think of this stuff...What bits you like - and what you don't. I'm quite thick skined you know!


  1. I just love the way you take a young lady and slowly turn them into little children,not able to read and talk like a grown up question how far do you regress them loosing eating and potty training???

    1. At the moment I'm satisfied with just being guided by that Lady2Maid 'Caroline Drake' storyline but I would like to take that rejuvenation section a bit further

  2. Well, after her reading exercises it will be time for some dictation... with the help of headphones that repeat the text out of synch on her ears and boned gloves that makes her hands clumsy... at the end of the tests she will write and read loud an apology letter begging of forgiveness of all her mistakes. She suggests also the punishment she would deserve

    1. I really like that, Paulopost.. I just love the dictation idea is a way to increase the tediousness of a written imposition but I've other.ideas which I don't want to share right now
