Thursday 9 May 2024

Some More Cruel And Unethical 'Hypnotherapy'

 These figures you'll have seen before, but here I'm attempting to use them in a different way.  I've not time right now to fill you in on what I've been up to in my personal life (bloody disaster!) but as regards this sort of thing: I've been experimenting with combining AI generated stuff with Photoshop-style photo manipulation techniques...For example, creating some stuff using my AI platform, perhaps combining the best bits from two or three AI images, before then using the result as a source material (or 'seed') to feed to the AI...and so on, and so forth...I'll try explain more next time. I've zillions of AI generated images saved on my computer (and even more on my phone) as source material / inspiration, so ;et's see where all this leads. 

As for today's offering: I'm intrigued as to what you folk think might happen - or would like to see happen - to our unlucky pair next?...Also...where are they?...Who are they?... Who has managed to engineer their predicament, and why?...Are they the only two girls involved or are there others?  You get the idea I'm sure,,,Should be fun!


Anonymous said...

What’s the AI program or app you use Garth?

babycheryluk said...

Looks like nappys and plastic pants for these two from now on!!

Toyntanen said...

I'm using an AI platform called 'Playground AI' although most of this image - the girls at least - was actualy produced by Angela Fox on her own AI system and I then photo-manipulated the two girls, as originaly one was in a blouse and skirt uniform and one in a gymslip, and I then added the knickers around their ankles, the streams of pee coming from under their skirts, and the hypnotic patterning, which I found online and which I then coloured to suit as the idea struck me...

Yeah, obviously I envisage plastic pants and diapers or similar being introduced eventualy...but, yeah, eventualy. No sudden overnight changes...That wouldn't be realistic and plausable,...And not so much fun either...There's no waving of magic wands in Toyntanen's universe, ha ha ha!

babycheryluk said...

Look forward to the slow transition to being dependent on nanny

babycheryluk said...

Have you any new books coming out soon???

Toyntanen said...

Hi there babycheryluk! Yeah, well, something I've been considering ever since I started playing with using AI to help with my image production is the idea of a childrens' nanny being employed and placed in charge of an adult girl, perhaps as a result of that young woman having been declared 'mentaly incompitant' and inacapab'e of managing her own affairs (or perhaps as part of the neferous process leading up to such a legal declaration). One of the main questions in my mind is related to her appearence - how are we, as onloockers, to be able to recognize her identity / role, even in the absence of her hapless charge? By the way - one of the problems I havr been encountering with the Playground AI platform is that, although the AI is quite happy to create multiple figures if of the same type - young women in school uniform, say, or a group of nurses, the AI seems most reluctant to illustrate two or more figures of grosly differing appearence. So...It will provide two young women in hospital-issue nightdresses or two nurses in uniform but not a young woman in a nightgown along with a uniformed nurse or a woman in a white coat within the same image. In addition, just how accurate the AI is at producing a particular type of figure seems to depend a lot on the context / response to the selfsame prompt defining a character's appearence the result, if defining the background as being 'on a hospital ward' will be very different to that achieved if defining the context as 'in a schoolroom', plus if, for example the AI has somehow been pursuaded to provide a young adult woman in 1960s style school uniform sitting at a school desk (a tall order in of itself) changing the school room to 'a Victorian schoolroom' or even 'a Victorian-style schoolroom' will instantly turn the girl into some sort of Victorian figure...This, of course, is where The Gimp comes in. As for the idea of a new book...Well, I was working on a book for a certain Mr Stone for some time, mostly on the illustration side of things and although I have many images already formed on my computer here, with the advent of AI art production I am no longer happy or satisfied with the appearence of many and so one thing I want to try is feeding some of these images as examples to the AI...As for my own work: I have several part-finished and story fragments on my computer but I now think it most likely that any new book released under the Toyntanen banner will involve some sort of compendium of illustrations. Pleas let me know of any thoughts you might have on the appearence of the nanny, as I mentioned at the start...Jesus! I've rambled on a bit - but sometimes it helps me bring some sort of focus on the ideas in my, yeah,it helps!

Greenwellies said...

I think the 2 uniformed girls need to experience punishment. Perhaps locked in diapers and plastic pants until a lovely crop of diaper rash makes them totally itchy and uncomfortable.

Autumn said...

hey greenwellies, what do you think about pantyhose on top of that?