Friday 4 August 2023

More News On My Kidnaped Ladies - Or - A Little Humiliation Never Hurt Anyone

 ...but it might hurt these three! I've no time to say much more beacaus I've got to get down the pub, other than it took most of the day and is made up of more layers of AI generated images and stuff trawled from the net than I have got neurons


  1. Garth, this one is deliciously embarrassing for the poor girls. They are getting used to an entirely new style of life. I suppose that sooner or later any humiliation will become the new normality for them.

    Kristina x

  2. I thought you'd like it Kristina.... BTW sorry I've not been in contact much of late but some of these AI generated figures of Angela Foxe have got me so worked up that I've been on the computer all day sticking all the best bits together... there's something about those gymslips in the image today which has me BOILING...And you know? I have absolutely no idea why....Weird od what?

  3. Just love the new pictures and comments I hope down the pub with real ale your mind works out a long overdue book best wishes keep up the good work.

  4. The hands behind the back look is lovely! I wonder if some institutions might employ handcuffs (very gently applied by nurses of course) to assist the residents in maintaining the appropriate pose?


  5. I had thought about putting the girls in handcuffs but then again, they need to be able to pull down their knickers. Of course the woman could always pull down the girls' knickers for them but I think it's better for the girls do it themselves during this sort of obedience training session


  6. Yes, handcuffs would be great - when Garth thinks they might be appropriate.

  7. Hmm, I see your point.

    The use of handcuffs does present some practical difficulties as the residents would need a lot more hands-on care, particularly when eating, washing, using the bathroom etc while wearing them, particularly behind the back. They would probably only be used as a short-term measure as a training tool to discourage fidgeting and other minor disobedience.

    Handcuffs might also be useful when the risk of absconding is greater than usual, or in more formal situations where it is imperative that everyone looks neat and tidy, such as a ward inspection by the matron where nothing can be left to chance.

    Nurses may also find it convenient to attach a short leash to the handcuffs. This can used to control a resident's movements while she is being walked from place to place and of course for minimal pain compliance techniques where the nurse in question is properly trained to apply them without causing harm.

