Friday 11 August 2023

Another AI Character From Angela Fox Triggering an Idea

 The gymsliped young women looked a little overweitght to me in her original form so I gave her a sad face from one of the other characters in the same original AI pic, cloned in a belt from one of the other characters because her own was all mesed up, distorted her a little to make seem a bit fater still and attempted to give her a double chin. The latter is where I think it all started to go a bit wrong because I'm not sure it really works and it might have been a step too far. Then I put in the AI created dominant woman I've used before, a clinical weighing machine and a nice cream cake...Question: Should there be a cane somewhere in sight?


  1. I love the little numbered badge on her dress!

    Is that some kind of reward for compliance, or just so the nurses and instructors can easily identify residents and don't have to remember names?


    1. The thing is.... They're not in some kind of institution.... It is in a domestic environment...VERY secure, and with security grilles and bars on the windows, but a domestic environment nonetheless..
      The number was an experiment, partly to see if anyone noticed, the idea being that the kidnappers have even tahen away their names now and they're just referred to as 'Girl One', Girl Two' and 'Girl Three'
