Sunday 30 July 2023

Even MORE Mind Controll Stuff...(SCOLL DOWN FOR NEW PICS) seems I've gotten a little obsessed with these images... My chum - Angella Fox - who created the original AI -generated girl pointed out some flaws to do with the positioning of the pendant amd also suggested a simpler looking diamond pendant be used. I tried it but it still didn't look quite right but I found having the pendant dagling from someone's hand gave a better impression of it being swung to and fro in front of the girl's face (who I decided is called Susan by the way - and I've no idea why. Any other name suggestions?). I also noticed, while examing the images on my phone in the pub yesterday, that she has a diamond stud earing so THAT had to go because there is just no way her captor or captors would allow that, just as they wouldn't supply cosmetics. Our three detainees are being kept under a regime of very strict disciplne. School uniforms during the day and straitjackets in caged beds at night...Talking of their school uniforms: I imagine they have on oldfashioned longline girdles under their gymslips (suggested in a comment to an earlier post) and I might try and produce such an image as an experiment.  Another thing I noticed is that by comparison with the whites of her eyes her teeth appered a little off-white so I've brightened her teeth, changed her gaze ever so slightly and changed the annotation a fair ammount so in addition to reinforcing and deepening Susan's resonses to the post-hynotic trigger phrases which can be used to control her behaviour such as 'pretty pendant' used during the hypnotic induction, although not mentioned in the annotaion on the actual images, there is for exmaple 'who's a sleepy head?'spoken softly at bed time which triggers all three girls to yawn in unison and - together with the effects of a nice strong seditive, administered by way of a pre-bedtime enema, results in three pairs of eyelids drooping. I'd imagine pretty heavy sedation at night as an extra security precaution, despite the straitjackets and locked caged beds  which also has the advantage of ensuring there can be no chattter between them

 So who thinks Susan should be put in teeth braces? Will their captors have put the girls in teeth braces  do you think, perhaps as a method of safeguarding against chatter?  A tongue piercing attached by surgical wire to the rear of braces fitted to the lower teeth would still allow for eating and drinking but would render her speech almost unintelligable and even as if she were retarded in some way. Speech then becomes a laboured and deeply humiliating thing to be avoided as much as possible. Of course their captors must be refferd to as 'miss' if female and 'sir' if male, but I like to think they're female since another woman would more likely know which buttons to press to topple a young woman's self confidence. I think there maybe four in the group. One is clearly a very skilled psycologist and I think another might be a nurse or might have been a nurse at some stage and it is she who administers the enemas twice per day, performs the regular 'female hygene' inspections and hands out the thick oldfashioned sanitary towles when the young women have their periods. I think it might well be her who administers the cane or the strap when that is deemed nessesary, which I'd imagine would not be all that infrequent due to the massive list of petty rules and stipulations these three young women have to live by. I think she might even wear her old uniform, partly to bring some sort of an air of legitimacy to the proceedings, but also to provide her with an air of authority. I think it is she who passes out the seditive pills in the morning. Very mild, just enough to ensure our trio of detainees are always ever so slighly woolly's an interesting drug: Mild but very addictive...


By the way: I have a feeling that at some point in the future, although they have absolutly no contact with the outside world, a newspaper might rather carelessly be left on show with the headline screaming out about how three girls, once believed to have been kidnapped, were now beleived to be dead and that police were giving up the search!  Nonsense of course ,but I think the effect on our detainees will be interesting   



  1. Super revised pics Garth although the teeth looked more natural before. Good story ideas too. In the lowest image the poor girl’s underwear looks completely secure and even extra secure with the crotch strap of the straitjacket keeping everything in place. The cane marks high up on the upwards side of the patient’s upper thighs are a good addition - it’s refreshing to have the cane applied somewhere other than the bottom or the back of the thighs!

    I am wondering how the girl’s family will react on receiving degrading photos of her urinating into a potty of some kind - probably they will be even more convinced that she needs to be in such an institution.

    Your blog is really taking off again which is so cool!

    K x

  2. Garth,

    I have read and greatly enjoy all of your books. So much so that I’m not sure I’m adding anything new….

    Random thoughts:

    Yes, longline girdles under their gymslips. Or possibly long-line corsets with goals (punishment/rewards) for achieving waist reductions. Possibly basing rewards on the subject (victim) pleading for corset tightening. Once allowed, it never goes back. But the corset is not incrementally tightened unless/until the victim convinces the psychologist of her sincere desire to be further constrained. Failure to sincerely beg for such constraint indicates resistance and willfulness and therefore requires various forms of punishment.

    Instead of sedation at night, I wonder about mild/moderate sedation during the day; forcing the captive to fight her tiredness, especially with forced to complete vigilance tasks that have painful consequences for failure.

    Making speech both labored and humiliating is perfect.

    I like the idea of at least four staff.

    Definitely a psychologist and also several nurses. Possibly several who are no longer licensed for various reasons.

    In addition to enemas, giving laxatives at random intervals. With punishments and increasingly intensive interventions for the subjects “perplexing” inability to control their bowels. Possibly being told it is necessary to determine if the problem is physical (hence enemas) or simply willfulness (requiring physical and mental punishment/manipulation.)

    The background story is interesting to think about. Possibly they are initially told they have been kidnapped for ransom. But then being told there are long delays in response from the loved ones; delays which puzzle the captors. Leading to speculation.

    The finally there is some communication. But the reasons for complying with the captors demands gradually become less and less believable. The captives hopes are slowly crushed.

    At later stages, they may be told that it was never kidnapping for ransom, but rather that their families paid for them to be treated this way. That they did their best to give each girl everything but they were never properly appreciative: arrogant, self-centered, a complete disappointment.

    The deeper backstory might be that each of the privileged girls annoyed the founder. Possibly small incidents which inflamed the desire for revenge. A minor car incident which the girl brushed off because her parents always take care of everything. Or a career slight from one of the parents and revenge is to turn the girls life into one of anxiety and constant desperation to please others.

  3. Hi Katrina... As regards the photos... we.know, the ransom has already been paid and we don't yet know for sure why the girls have not been released so I think it' doubtful that any photographs or films will ever be sent to the families...There might not even be any film in the camera but if there is then it's much more likely the results will be used for some sort of commercial advantage... Or they might just be for someone's personal entertainment or just to humiliate and wear the captives down (I prefer 'detainees' for some reason I can't quite put m finger on) or perhaps both. But the main point to remember is that they're not in an institution. They're kidnap victims...And money is not necessarily the main motivation


  4. I love that way of looking at it — the girls are effectively kidnap victims, but the institution is dressed up as a legitimate operation.

    Kristina Katyn (katyn99)


  5. The cane welts on the front of her thighs are realistic and it means that you know a girl has been punished as soon as you see her rather than having to inspect her backside in the traditional way. I bet the nurses love that look.

    I like the sound of the longline girdle idea — they seem to be good firm garments, almost a form of bondage in themselves. The girls would have to wear some form of underwear underneath though; if they wore a panty girdle underneath then their lower regions would be entirely imprisoned in underwear and any sexy feelings squashed out if existence, and it would make fiddling with themselves impossible!

  6. Yes please do teeth braces Gareth.

    I also remember when I got my fetching pair at quite an age.
