Friday 19 May 2023

I'm back yet again

"Hi everyone, I'm back, again!  To help me going forward I would love to hear from everyone what it is that you like most about this blog, the pictures, my books, my website etc.  What are your favourite things, what do you like seeing - basically what turns you on?

What you say in the 'Comments' section below will influence the direction I next move in! 

At the.moment.the.comments section is set to moderated. I'm trying to lift this restriction but for some reason I'm struggling a bit. Meanwhile, please.leave a comment and I'll moderate it so that it pops up on the blog.
Thank you! 



  1. Welcome back Mr Toyntanen!

    I have missed your blog postings terribly.

    I will have to think about answering your question in more detail but, for now, what I most love about your work is the feelings of despair which are evident on the face and in the body language of every girl, in addition to the obvious shame they feel wearing their plastic or rubber knickers and having every action so closely monitored.

    Oh, I would so love to be one of them!

    That’s all for now.

    K x

  2. Welcome back!!! I have missed your blog sooo much!!! I would love to see more girls under very strict discipline and control going forward, their every moment supervised, not allowed to get away with anything. I imagine a girl is awakened every day at 5am and she is weighed and measured and made to get right in to a uniform. Then on to extensive detailed chores and discipline. If she dares complain at all, she is harshly punished.

  3. What was that app I used to follow you and your pictures on? Not pinterest, not Opo Instagram,

    A few years ago. With others like us.

    Before anything slightly unsavoury, the with all being censured * censored and accounts closed

  4. Welcome back Garth !
    Your books are fantastic - please write more ;-)

    BR : M

  5. Welcome back!
    I'm so happy to know that you are still working on your wonderful stories!

  6. Great too have you back so missed sent you an email

  7. Dear Dr Toyntanen,

    I also love the feeling of fear and trembling which must fill the girls in your institution when they realise they are going to be caned, and have no escape from their inevitable punishment. Their breasts must swell with tension and anticipation, their nipples must go erect, their loins must quiver with a subtle combination of excitement and dread.

    It must be amazing.


  8. Hi Garth,
    I appreciate your blog, and your books. And the storiea about an istitutionalized girl, subjected to medical domination. Enemas, diapers incontinence rubber pants. And the study and description of her intimate feelings in this situation.



  9. Hello Garth,

    This is a big confession to make, but I am a nurse (female) in the sort of institution you write about and I’ve never admitted this to anyone before, but from time to time when we have a pretty girl in for a while who I fancy I find myself fantasizing about taking complete charge of the girl and using on her many of the techniques you cover in your blog.

    When this sort of girl is around, I do try to arrange as much time as possible with the girl in question, within our professional guidelines of course. I just love it when we have to restrain them, either because they’re being obstreperous or “just in case” - I love the girls’ angry but helpless look.

    Nurse X

  10. Hi Garth,

    It’s great that you’re back! I love the whole concept of girls being institutionalized against their will, your pictures, Roger Benson’s drawings, everything. Please get your creative juices flowing again.

    I’m a big fan,


  11. Hello Nurse X (June 2023) and your confession above.

    I wish I had been one of yours, in the old days when it was largely allowed.

    Except that very Strictschool uniforms and caning, corporal punishment on bottom never we’re.


  12. Hello Anonymous! Nurse X here.

    Yes you’re right on not being (officially) allowed to do corporal punishment, but there’s a lot of thrill to be had in psychological punishment you know! For example, arranging the withholding (by mistake) of food and drink (e.g. by telling colleagues it’s been given already), waiting until a girl I “like” becomes desperate and then “discovering” that it’s been a mistake and bringing her food and making it up to her like a saviour nurse “friend”. The girl then creates an emotional connection with me which I can take advantage of.

    For health reasons we all have the responsibility to ensure the girls are properly clean and believe me many of them do not wash themselves well. This means that following an inspection and re-wash I can with the right sort of girl sometimes let my hand linger in intimate places while observing the girl’s reaction and, if positive, I can get a girl quite excited and affectionate. Some girls are extremely appreciative of this. We are encouraged to give periodic enemas too, which I enjoy giving in a way which is “affectionate” and professional but especially embarrassing for the girl in question.

    I’m writing too much but there’s a lot of fun to be had by the right nurse with the right girl, anyone who’s been in the business knows that!

    Nurse X

  13. Hi Nurse X

    Your comments have been quite facinating. I was interested in how you go about making an enema especially embaressing for a girl while still managing to appear both profesional and presumably 'friendly'? Are there any other forms of psychological punishment you have used to gain a modecum of control over a girl? For example, if a girl is restrained in some way, and her room is nice and quiet, and assuming there is some sort of handbasin, perhaps just 'accidently'leaving a tap slowly dripping? Or do you occasionaly let slip some sort of personal comment about a particular girl's appearence in a way designed to gradualy wear down her self confidence, which I guess would have to be combined with other techniques or approaches? Have you ever read Alice under discipline wherein Alice's stepmother uses Alice's addicition to prescription drugs, with the help of a doctor friend to gain control over her?

  14. Babycheryluk

    I didn't get youe email, or at least I cant find it...Please send it again


  15. Dear Garth,

    Thanks for your questions. I have to be careful how much I say, I don’t know how widely read this blog is! Anyway, I’ll talk a bit more, I think I have a specialist audience.

    When I want to make an enema humiliating for a particular girl, I make sure I leave the privacy curtains quite open so that staff or “patients” passing by can clearly see what’s happening. At this stage the girl will be naked from the waist down, with her legs up high and wide or in stirrups, with the enema insertion tube in her bum hole. I arrange the girl’s chair so that her naked bum is facing the corridor. If the girl objects, I say something like, “Oh don’t be silly, everyone knows what an enema looks like, we’re all the same underneath our clothes” which usually shuts them up.

    Also, I love to call in nurse colleagues or even another patient to have a quick word about something while the girl is in this embarrassing legs-up position, making it all seem normal day-to-day practice and getting the girl used to her private areas being on open display.

    I do the same when the enema is in the outflow stage, and I enjoy firmly wiping the girl clean, legs still high, when all is finished. At the end I make sure she has to take the contents of the transparent outflow container along the corridor to the toilet herself to dispose of them. With people passing by seeing it all.

    I have to go now Garth, but I will write more later in response to your psychological punishment questions.

    Nurse X

    1. Nurse X I very much doubt you need be too worried as to what you say on this platform, so long as you're not to specific about descriptions of anything specific to your location etc. You are coming up as 'Anonymous' and I can't find you... nobody can... Anything you're particularly worried about saying then set up a Google email account under an assumed name - such as Nurse X, for example - and then you can always email me direct. After all: It must be fairly obvious that Gath Toyntanen is not my real name. I'm a biomolecular scientist with several first author papers in prestigious peer reviewed journals and I feel safe enough... I have to say that you really do have a good grasp of how to apply humiliation but it must be extremely skillful to be able apply such an approach as an actual punishment or to perhaps encourage a dependency on you. A very effective punishment might be simply to ignore the patient. Simple bring in food or drink or whatever in complete silence and leave without saying a word, no matter what she says, not even making eye contact


  16. Hello again, and thank you for your assurances Garth.

    Looking at your questions above, I haven’t yet read your book Alice Under Discipline, though I did enjoy Mrs Swanley’s Methods a little while ago. I will go and find AUD and read it - sounds interesting.

    Forms of psychological punishment? I do like your “tap dripping” idea, designed to drive inmates crazy, but I’ve never used that method myself! Other methods you mention do certainly play a part in my tricks to manipulate certain girls to get them where I want them: little remarks designed to cause self-doubt and diminish confidence, definitely; silent treatment, absolutely yes. Many of these techniques first arose in the school playground! Various other forms of what is sometimes known as “gaslighting” are good too.

    These methods are even more effective in the place I work because the power balance is entirely weighted in favour of us as staff and the girls are generally with us until they’re deemed “sane” enough to be “released” and we nurses can have a big influence on whether that day is ever reached, including by telling the girls directly that they’re just “not ready yet,” but “don’t worry darling, I’ll look after you.” The longer a girl is with us, the more they develop a dependence on is - it’s such fun to gently develop and intensify that.

    I also like going in early and dressing my favourites in the morning and undressing them for bed at night “because it’s my job to look after you darling.” Doing this seems to bring back childhood memories of dependence and they come to love the close attention. Kneeling on the floor pulling a girl’s knickers snugly up or taking them down is a little favourite of mine: I like the girl to feel comfortable with me regularly seeing her intimate regions, making sure there’s a pad in her knickers and/or a tampon in when she needs one, fitting her securely in plastic knickers if she’s a bed-wetter and so on. All in a day’s work for a nurse, but very exciting when the girl is one of my little “targets.”

    Whoops, I’m saying too much again, I’ve got to go now.

    Nurse X


  17. I guess they don’t allow male nurses in these places, which is a pity, I was thinking of a career change, but if you’re a girl that likes girls then I can see how it can be an attractive job option.


  18. Hi Garth,

    I’m glad you’re back doing your blog which I have loved for years and your old website was also good. Looking forward to seeing more things on the blog and knowing if you’re planning any new books or anything.

    Your recent images are excellent and it’s great to read your thoughts about them and to understand your creative processes.

    The endless suffering of your beautiful and innocent institutionalised girls is just so hot to think about. I follow Camille Langtry’s impressive ladies2maids website too and it’s about time one of its contributors wrote a story about a lady who instead of being reduced to a maid is sent to one of your institutions, possibly to be returned at a later date as a brainwashed domestic servant …

    Thank you.


    1. Yep! I've been on the Ladies2maids site... There some nice stuff involving psychological manipulation in a couple of tales


  19. Great that you’re back Garth!
