Wednesday 5 October 2016

Domesticated Heiress: Re-educated and Returned to the Loving Care of her Guardian

People often enquire as to the ultimate fate of the heroines featured in my (Garth Toyntanen) institutional discipline stories.  Here is one possibilty I like to imagine:  Follow me on Twitter to read more of my thoughts as and when they occur, moment by moment

 Domesticated Heiress: Re-educated and Returned to the Loving Care of her Guardian


  1. Nice picture.
    Nice thought to have a re-trained one doing something usefull for the society.
    Unfortunatly I have no Twitter.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No twitter either ... snif

  4. Hi Xydis and Bruno. Well, Twitter is easy enough to get, chaps - it MUST be if I have managed it. But a lot of stuff like this I put out on my Tumblr account in the first instance - and from time to time I put put out things on Tumblr (and on Pinterest too) which I don't get around to publishing here - and so it is worth following me on Tumblr as well.
