Sunday 24 July 2016

Governess Psychotherapist – An Early Version. And an Invitation to a Drink

From the upcoming 'THE ILLUSTRATED INSTITUTION' by yours truely, Garth P. Toyntanen.   
Admittedly this one still needs a bit of work. The final version will see her wearing a doctor’s white coat open over this outfit which is why the fob watch is a little closer to the centre line then seems natural, an example of a little bit of artistic licence applied to ensure it can be seen under her lab coat.  So it’s an early attempt but I think it captures that sense and feeling of overbearing dominance successfully.  It has been assembled from a number of different photographic sources and even the face and hair contain elements from several different individuals to create a new person who has never actually walked the earth – but we can IMAGINE she has; hey, chaps!  Angela Fox has had a go of putting this figure within one of her computer generated backgrounds, which has proved quite successful and provided yet more food for thought and inspiration, so we’ll have to see where that leads.

I really MUST update this blog more often, but in my own defence I HAVE been incredibly busy with my various projects, what with my giving up one day a week to voluntary physiotherapy work and only having a couple of days a week fully open to do this sort of thing when there are no family members around to shoulder surf.  Today I'm off out for a birthday celebration meal and drink.   

My birthday was actually last Saturday but because of various commitments including a medical I was keen to avoid drinking before having, I was forced to postpone things until this weekend which has actually been advantageous since I've been woefully short of cash of late and I like to leave at least one month between drinking sessions anyway.

If you happen to be around in North London feel free to join me - I'm always glad of the company.  Today (after a brief gym session and shower) I'll be starting out briefly in the TOLGATE, the Turnpike Lane Wetherspoons, for a couple of medicinal pints to soothe my nerves before then moving on by tube and bus to the RAILWAY BELLE in New Barnet (also a Wetherspoons establishment).  I'm easy to spot - just look for an old hippy-looking guy with long curly hair sporting bright colours (I DO like bright colours – despite moving into my 60th year).  Tomorrow it might be worth looking for me in either the Tollgate or the Metropolitan, which is the Wetherspoons pub branch situated above the Baker Street tube station and built into the same block, around lunchtime.


  1. Hi – have you checked out Selecta’s “Proposal for new interactive fiction commissions” threads? Might you have a loosely sketched idea somewhere you could sketch out?

    Seems likely Selectacorp would be willing to compensate you for artwork as well.

    1. I have had a vague idea based on my INSTITUTIONALISED series but am having problems working out how the scoring might happen and so on. Did have a Selectacorp email regarding this at one point but have had a lot of family/ private issues of late and so the email somehow got mislaid and I can't find it now.

  2. In your own time-- belated Happy Birthday! SC
