Tuesday 13 October 2015

Medicalised Discipline and Control Within the Home

Yep!  Guess what?  Again - yep!  A Nurse Helena clip!  I found it on Tumblr, as always, while researching something else entirely... But I LOVE these Nurse Helena things - so I couldn't wait to share it with you!


  1. Simply perfect!
    That is what I want to see and to read about.
    A girl trapped, diapered and kept in a hospital by srict nursess! Perfect!

    1. I'll see what I can do, Xydis. We aim to please. I'm currently more involved with adding captions to images and creating photo manipulations and montages but I'll be getting back to finishing off the half finished work I have my computer, now that my gym and personal trainer course is done and dusted, and at least one revolves around this sort of scenario

  2. wow, thats hot, even tho' I can't understand French.

    Rex Talbot

    1. I cant understand French either, Rex, but I kind of prefer it that way since then I can put my own mind's eye 'spin' on the storyline, as I'm none too keen on the premise as suggested by the title.

  3. part 2 is here https://youtu.be/O1_zE1BIv4o

    Rex Talbot

    1. Totaly brilliant! Thanks for that, Rex. I couldn't find part two when I searched, but that was a few weeks back and Youtube and the internet move fast... But then again I may have been a little slapdash. I've been kind of focused on the gym instructor / personal trainer qualification for a while now (but see my reply to Xydis, above). I'll embed that link in my next posting, along with a link to a blog I've just discovered: It's been ages since I last added to my blog list. Best wishes. Garth
