Friday 10 July 2015

Scolding - A Poll! And Female Masturbation Control by Orgasm Denial Through Deliberatly Induced Guilt Anxiety and Psychological Trauma


The sharp-eyed among you may have already spotted the opinion poll I have set up over in the right-hand sidebar (at the top - you can't miss it!).  This is sort of a dry run for a series of polls based around the work of Roger Benson and intended to publicise his upcoming new compilation, so please give it a go coz I want to see if it works properly.  I'm am also going to try and embed the poll within this page itself - but that may have to wait until Monday because I have to rush out.

Scolding can be one of the most important aspects of the process of instilling strict discipline through the use of corporal punishment.  A few well chosen words delivered in the right way can do more damage than the physical sting of the riding crop when it comes to breaking down defiance – especially coming from such an expert in psychological manipulation as this girl’s guardian has had the sense to hire.

Her intention is to leave behind a crushed and shattered husk devoid of the slightest shred of self-esteem.  She knows exactly how to reduce her charge to tears without as much as laying a finger on her… But then comes the thrashing, to seal in the lesson!  Her rationale goes way beyond the imposition of discipline, aiming to dominate her charge completely, gradually over time taking control of every aspect of her charge’s life.  She does this by continuous monitoring and close supervision of every aspect of her charge’s life and by  imposing rules and regulations stipulating every waking moment of the girl’s day, from when first she rises, to the strictly enforced afternoon nap, to the girl’s childishly early bedtime dressed in especially adapted ‘tamperproof’ pyjamas designed to keep prying fingers from where a girl’s fingers have no right to go, medicated down into deep dreamless sleep. 

Her principles of education are simple: She teaches chastity, shame, dependency, compliance.  She encourages her pupil to see herself in a different, harsher light, one in which her flaws show up all the better, one in which she comes to see her ambitions, aspirations and dreams as just that – dreams.  She helps her pupil recognise her own limitations, accept that her future is likely to be a more demeaning, menial one than she might have envisaged; not a well-married lady of leisure, as once she might have fondly imagined, or filled by fame and fortune, but a future spent ‘in service’ at the beck and call of others.  Where there is self-confidence she discourages it, encouraging instead complacency an acceptance. 

Where sexuality is concerned, she stifles it, instills guilt, encouraging feelings of shame and anxiety, to the point at which self-abuse – if it exists, IF she lets it slip by – becomes a futile exercise, physical restraint is no longer required and she can rely on the girl herself to erect her own mental barriers to sexually release, psychological barriers which are far more efficacious and harder to overcome than stiffened mittens or having her wrists restrained at her waist at night.  She’s had girls in the past crying in frustration, down on their knees masturbating wildly in front of her, thrashing away madly with their fingers or plunging a vibrator or dildo in and out, all shame, all pride, all self-respect abandoned in the quest for release, as she has watched, smirking knowingly.  She has watched the anxiety building in a girl’s eyes as culmination approached, nearer and nearer, anxiety building, fear of failure, of yet another ruined orgasm, building, until at last, at the VERY last minute, excitement abating, the girl has thrown herself across the floor sobbing, wrapping her arms around her ankles, literally begging her for help – she has used it to put at least one girl in the asylum, quite deliberately!                


  1. Afternoon nap, early bedtime, childish dress or rompers, ankle socks, this is what needs an older child or young adult to be kept in line.....

    1. In some ways the modern world has made this type of scenario easier to bring about, at least in terms of the procurement of the nessesary equipment / outfits and so on is concerned. Everything required to bring about what I would describe as 'secure care' is easily available on line, from 'tamper proof' one-piece pyjama suits at the more legitimatly clinical end of tha scale to the adult size rompers you alude to and those marvelous 'spreader pants' that have now become available and which I'd imagine to be an indespensible aid to overcoming that natural reluctance and revulsion at the idea of 'disgracing' herself at the other. Incidently, I was just thinking that this type of scenario ought to be awarded its own catagorization. I was thinking rather than straight 'domestic discipline' something like 'domestic detention' or 'domestic disciplinary detention' or indeed 'supervisory care and re-training within the home'. Idealy some kind of acronym built around the initial letters of a suitably sugestive term such as SWISH, CANE, SWITCH, SPANK or similar would make for a good choice. I've yet to come up with anything snappy, but I'm open to suggestions, and I've only just put my mind to it. Sorry for the spelling by the way - no spell check!

  2. Being French I am not sure I understand what you mean by tamper proof pyjama. Could you explain to me ?
    To further regress the young adult, and assuming of course she is permanently under the care of a nanny (plus a governess or a school teacher may be ?), I would suggest nappies and plastic pants at night for humiliation more than protection (but any stain or wetness is the morning to be punished by a proper spanking), daytime with white panties/school knickers frequently checked (spanking if stains) and obligation to ask nanny to go potty when necessary, white panties and plastic pants when going out in case of accident or to add to the humiliation with a noisy pant when walking. Nappies and plastic pants for longer car or train trips but then no punishment if wet under the condition that the child informs nanny or caretaker when she is wet.
    Imagine the young adult being asked in public: Child, do you need to go potty ? are you wet? Do you know what happens If I find stains?

  3. Just want to add one comment: You mention sedatives to make the child sleep.
    I would much prefer to see the young adult searching desesperately for sleep during the long hours of her naps and early bedtimes, humiliated to be in bed so early and sometimes having to fake sleeping to avoid punishment.......

  4. Love this topic, I would like to see the masturbating Miss sent to a long term, high security institution for the treatment of her vile habit!

  5. My Aunt stopped any such misbehaviour on my part when I was being disciplined by confining me to two pairs of old fashioned school knickers 24/7 (both with thick elastic and in my case one knitted from thick wool), at night a thick worsted or wool ankle length nightgown and perhaps most effectively and humiliating the wearing of thumbless woollen mittens secured with ties on my wrists. Sometimes the kittens were also worn during the day and I was made to keep my hands on my head when using my hands was not required for other tasks. In addition I also was subject to the detailed underwear inspections recommended by another poster. Any initial attempted transgressions were firmly dealt with and I have remained chaste since.
