Thursday 16 July 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! & Another Couple of Roger Benson Polls To Take Part In

Yep!  It's my birthday!  And for some unknown reason I am up and have been working since the unheard of - and undoubtedly unhealthy - hour of 6AM - ridiculous!!!  I'm of out to the gym next...  But then I'm drinking!!!  Hooray!!!  

If anyone wants to join me - and all are welcome - I'll be somewhere in North London; most likely the Wetherspoons branch in New Barnet (The Railway) and / or The Tolegate, the Whetherspoons branch in Turnpike Lane (coz they're cheap - and they serve good quality real ale!) but what I'll do is I'll comment on this post from time to time with an update as to where I'm at (I'm taking my Internet-savvy smart phone) so check back here and view the comments if you want to meet up. Or you can always email me of course.  I'm easily spotted in almost any background or situation (unless a heavy metal convention or reunion of old hippies) and rarely bit unless particularly hungry.

Right, down to business.  Roger Benson wants me to set another couple of polls, relating to his illustration presented in the last post (see lower down or scroll down).  One relates to one of the features of his work I personally find the most interesting, namely the fifties / early sixties styling and fashion and more specifically girdles and so on - and nothing frames a nicely rounded bottom during a good spanking like a set of suspenders and stocking tops!

in the situation depicted which girl would you rather be

Should their aunt invest in two red rubber ball gags from Silence is Golden Co. Ltd

Do the strongly elasticized bottom bands on their girdles look uncomfortable


  1. Happy Birthday, but doesn't the drinking negate any gym action? lol Have a good one. Chris

  2. Thanks for that, Chris! Much appreciated!

    Actualy I originaly started going to the gym to negate the drinking, but it kind of took over!

  3. Presently in The Devonshire Arms, Crouch End (Wetherspoons)

  4. Happy birthday!

  5. Thanks for that, Silvia! It turns out (kind of accidently, would you believe) that the celibrations have continued over into a second day! Curently back in The Devonshire Arms, Crouch End, Norrh London if anyone wants to join me. Jubilation!

  6. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Garth
    Haaaaaaapy Biirthdayyy to you!

    May your birthday wish come true.

    Go get shitfaced drunk, you deserve it!

    And may your birthday wish come true

    And if I could give you a birthday spanking I would! Hehehehehehe

    The Non Victorian Chick
