Wednesday 17 June 2015

A Rapid-Fire Follow-up

 Ok, so it’s the same thing twice... Well, not quite.  I decided to go with the ‘Dolly Maker‘ approach (at least I’ve got both bases covered), but now looking at it I think ‘DollyMother‘ seems best after all (although I’ve toyed with ‘Doll-Maker‘, ‘Doll-Mistress‘ ‘Dolly-Mistress‘ and ‘DollMistress‘ and even ‘Pollydori‘ after the puppet master.)

AND I couldn’t resist one more version (see above).  Dunno who first put together these pairs of figures - they’re all over Tumblr - but they’re soooo cool!  Or hot! Or…

I definitely WILL be back after the gym to write some more here...  So come back later... Better still - leave a comment!


  1. I like DollyMaker much better than DollyMother.

  2. They're from this deviantart. There are tons more like the ones you posted on there:

  3. Hi Madmonky. Thanks for the input. I'm still not sure myself. I have to admit it sort of came in a dream or semi-dream while waking up, but the concept was that 'fairy godmother' thing, as if something 'protective' or 'helpfull' but of course the truth is different. Dollymaker seems a little too obvious, but as I say; I'm still in two minds.

    Hi Anonymous. Thanks for the info / link. I'l have to visit. Obviously the candybar thing is mine, but those composit pics are what makes it work. Perhaps I'll put it on my own Devient Art account (yep! I have one too).

  4. If you like games of the sort posted earlier, you may like a largely text based game I made about a woman trapped a strict school for wayward women, who is trying desperately to escape. I would love additional feedback about the game.

    Everything you need to play can be found for free at

  5. All this chocolate is going to cause weight gain and tooth decay!
