Tuesday 26 May 2015

Moral Welfare Training

Moral Welfare Retraining Dictation Session Test Subject 1: 

It’s impossible to let her mind wander, even for an instant; her concentration has to be absolute at all times if she is to keep up with the dictation coming over the earpiece.  But it is SO difficult!  It is insistent, never ending, eighteen hours a day… day after day after day after…. If she doesn’t keep up there is an electric shock. 

If she misspells there is an electric shock.  Then there are certain words which automatically come with an electric shock – orgasm is one such; and anything to do with orgasm or sexual release. The content is always sexual, the voice on the headset, sensual, soft, seductive; sometimes a man, sometimes a woman. 

There are short breaks for the toilet – always under close supervision - small meals are taken at the desk.  Then it is always straight back to work – typing up long drawn-out descriptive accounts of all manner of forms of sexual activity hour after tedious hour.  After, there will be an hour devoted to study of various erotic magazines or other such material, sometimes a film or video to watch followed by the mandatory six strokes of the cane, then an hour split between vigorous exercise, shower and other ablutions and sometimes a medical examination before bed, and a scant four hours sleep before it all begins anew.  The only break from the routine comes from the twice-weekly counselling and psychiatric evaluation sessions– but that’s a different story.   


  1. As a "break" from her typing, perhaps she can spend the occasional 18-hour day handwriting lines, or better yet, writing out every number from one to one million, in the form "Thirty-four thousand, nine hundred and seventeen." Then she can shred every page and get a new box of paper for tomorrow...

    Another good use of her time is to copy entire pages from a telephone book in a foreign language, making sure to spell out in words every number on the page. Sadly many penitents neglect to write out the page number and therefore have to give up two hours of sleep every night until the re-write is finished. We don't want her using her continued 18 hour shifts to do the rework; that has to come from her precious "free time."

  2. On the one hand, forced stupid, pointless, repetitive work gets me excited. But on the other hand, the amount of time and work is totally unrealistic. This spoils it for me.

    Eight hours of work a day seems to be a good starting point. That's manageable as most people do real work for eight hours. In a long term scenario, you can work up from there. Using up more and more spare time. For example as punishment for mistakes or less than perfect behaviour.

    I can tell from personal experience, that sleep restriction during a detention weekend is very hard. I got two of them in the last couple of years. They started Friday afternoon and lasted till Sunday noon or afternoon. I had to do lots of hand writing tasks, with small breaks between them. During day time, I had to report very 30 minutes on chat. For the second half of the night, this period was extend, so that I was allowed to get a little sleep. But I had to get up very early in the morning for more tasks.

    I think I got about four hours sleep in total per day, perhaps a little more. But I was feeling very tired and exhausted, hardly able to concentrate on the task at hand. It was especially worse late at night, before I was allowed to sleep. And on Saturday afternoon, before I was allowed to take a short nap.

    The girl reported about in this blog posting, should really be allowed to get a proper nights sleep every second day. After all, we want her suffering to continue for a long time. After a long sleep period, she will be refreshed and the nature of her forced, repetitive, pointless work will make a full impact on her mind. Knowing full well, what lies ahead of her.

    I mentioned my own experience above. Here are the scans of three sample tasks, which are similar to the ideas mentioned by the previous poster. In my experience, it is a lot easier, to get multiple different tasks during a detention period, instead of one huge tasks. But I do fantasise about a weekend of only one huge very repetative task.

    * Counting from 1 to 600 in words: http://imgur.com/a/9rY0i

    * Copying numbers from specified pages of a specified phone book from another city. (I was on heavy sleep deprivation when I did this task, so it was extremely difficult. I was allowed to do a small number of mistakes, but was forced to mark them myself before submitting my work): http://imgur.com/a/m8cmy

    * The idea of being forced to pay full attention without being able to take small break to let my mind wander, is something that was achieved by having me copy the latest headline from an online news ticker with a time stamp. (It reads: The latest news at fifteen hours and three minutes was: ...): http://imgur.com/a/Q7bpK

    * Oh, and I am very lucky, that only a small number of page for non-coperal punishment from the discipline book were published, as you can see here: http://imgur.com/a/gB0uu I am looking forward to more pages being published, well not really, but you know, ...


  3. I have always loved that aspect of written impositions, the sheer tedium and the discipline aspect. And of course that latter aspect has to be backed up in some manner, thus is best imposed within an atmosphere of the threat of some other even more sever consequence – and corporal punishment is the usual assumption to enforce compliance (though I have often argued that some other, even more feared consequence or set of consequences is required to impose the acceptance of corporal punishment in turn). A good example of the written imposition as disciplinary measure can be found within the pages of the marvellous The Female Disciplinary Manual – a few pages from which can be found here way back in the archive and also at The Original Institute website (and a few more of which I shall be posting here shortly).

    But that’s all missing the point in this case, which is more about it being a part of moral re-education / aversion therapy aimed at ‘curbing carnal fixation’ (wish I knew what the this little animated treasure was really all about and from whence it originated – I just ran across it on Tumblr).

  4. Hi Steffi

    Sorry to have disappointed you! As you probably know, I strive as much as possible to inject some sort of plausibility, at some level, but on this occasion it seems I have probably let my enthusiasm run away with me.

    By way of mitigation, though, I have to say that passages such as this, written directly in response to – and inspired by – some image or other I have come across on the internet, are usually not so much thought-out and planned written pieces as a sort of literally knee-jerk reaction, almost a flow of consciousness and penned practically in real-times the impressions hit me. Or put another way – I didn’t really think through the timetable and implications; mea culpa!

    The other point I’d like to put forth in my defence is that I myself tend to sleep only five hours or so naturally – and a certain female UK Prime Minister famously got by on four hours a night.

    I like what you say about being forced to pay full attention and the mind being unable to wander, especially given deliberately tedious surroundings. When it comes to devising written impositions, though, one thing a lot of people tend to forget is that to be effective there has to be some consequence of failure, and the definition of ‘failure’ in this punitive context ,in its turn, should be pedantic in the extreme if one is to maximise the psychological impact. The latter, of course, implies someone, somewhere needs to be checking, monitoring, marking and awarding penalties – and if we are not careful we can end up with a situation whereby the checking can end up being nearly as tedious as the writing; and then, after a while, you have to wonder quite who it is being punished!

  5. Although I do like these ideas, I also like the idea of being forced to work at a menial job that profits your "employers" -- something very galling about a well educated young woman being forced to pick cotton, work in a mill, or dig out a road in shackles where passing pedestrians can gawk at her, all the while knowing the money is going to the people who wrongfully imprisoned her. :-)

  6. steffi_fall@yahoo.com28 May 2015 at 23:39

    Only 5 hours of sleep? That sounds very little. Okay, it is said that older people need a lot less sleep than young adults.

    By the way, I really like the concept of 12 hours or 6 hours days, you described in your first book. The daytime is totally reduced to a little time for basic needs, and then tedious tasks till bedtime, with no spare time. It's doable without collapsing. But it is extremely dull. Even worse: With the sleep period being longer than half an hour, the short term memory is purged, and it really feels like a new day. So the effect of doing the same boring work day in and day out is multiplied.

    For me the punishment of doing less well than expected on written impositions, is additional work a couple of days later. I really hate that. There is a number of ways and tasks for which checking is a lot less effort than doing the task.

    * I really hate, having to check my own work. Every mistake, I miss, counts multiple times. This is especially worse, if I am sleep deprived. (See telephone number sums above).

    * Back at school, we sometimes had to check the work of our table neighbour and via versa. This can be exploited even further: Let them mark the work on transparent film, so that two or three students can check the same piece of work independently. Every missed mistake counts towards the account of the checker.

    * I had to copy numbers from a printed Excel table. Then I had to calculate the sum in each row and column. The disciplinarian simple let Excel do the work and only had to compare very few cells.

    * I had to fill in squares counting in alternating colours. Having to switch pens a lot (even with cheating) takes a lot more time than just looking at the final pattern.

    * It seems to be very little work to check the task of copying a sentence time and time again, especially, if the sentence fits on a single line.

    But all those tasks do have the issue, that feedback is not immediate, but delayed until (sections of) the work is completed. Immediate feedback, however, has a much higher impact.

    I think the only way to get immediate feedback is using a computer.

    * It can be as simple as a failure sound, know to be followed up later with a real punishment.
    * Or an automatic extension of the amount of work, perhaps by resetting (parts of the) work which has already been done.
    * I once saw an USB gadget which squids water on command. Imagining getting a spray of cold water in the face, while being very tired, sounds quite mean.
    * I am too scared of electric shocks in reality, but I do like to fantasise about them. I know that there are electric devices, which have an audio-input, intended to be used with soft music. But connecting that to the computer, which plays a loud noise on mistake, seems like a real possibility.

    Emlalock offers games like blackjack to play for extension or shortening of the remaining time. I wished they had some boring, attention confining task.

    Well, the second half of this post sounds really geeky. I think, there are ways, computers can be used to enforce staying focused on tedious tasks. But I also like lowtech approaches.


  7. Does anyone know where the mouth piece and hand restrictors worn by this woman can be obtained from? They would be a useful addition to the items I use to punish my errant young lady.
