Friday 20 February 2015

Domination and Husbandry of Wayward Girls: Atmosphere, Scene-Setting and Dress

 Am I the only one who thinks there is something about the sheen on the fabric of the dress the women is wearing in this scene (left) that somehow makes it ‘work’ despite so much else being so ‘wrong’ about it?  I mean… sure, the nappy’s ok as far as it goes, but all that jewellery and make up on the girl?  And the background is just horrid, in my opinion, even in a domestic setup.  Even in a fairly modest home I would have thought it possible to set aside a small box room (as we’d call it here in the UK), kit it out in an appropriate manner – obviously depending on one’s taste but, security always being paramount, surely with bars on the window and a sturdy lock on the door as a bare minimum requirement.  I don’t know about you but I just think all those toys lying around in the background aren’t just a distraction, they also threaten to send the wrong message… 

Wow!  What a rant – sorry!  That wasn’t the route I’d intended to take at all – it was all supposed to be about the role of woman’s dress in setting the scene and providing so much of the atmosphere. 

That ‘sheen’ I have been enthusing about is probably just an artefact produced by the over zealous use of camera flash, but I don’t want to think about that too deeply coz it still ‘does it’ for me.  Somehow it changes everything.  How about you?  What is it about it, if anything at all?

Actually, in my humble opinion, such ‘problems’ as I outline above are pretty rare in pictures originating from the same source (  Don’t bother following it coz sadly it no longer exists).   The web address refers to Nurse Helena and try as I might I can’t find an extant source.  I don’t know who was behind them or where they’ve gone, I just know there is an entire cannon of medical fetish photographic work out there in Web-land labelled with the same defunked web address and all of it (well most of what I’ve seen thus far) highly atmospheric, highly imaginative, to the point of practically telling a story in one shot! 

Take the example on the right for instance (this one is labelled but it’s from the same source, trust me, I’m an expert, I can recognise the style etc -  and this address doesn’t seem to exist either).  Study it for a while, give your imagination free rein and…  Hey!  Look at that!  Yeah I know it could have come out of one of my novels, but that’s lazy – let your own creative juices have a go.  Now check out all those Tumblr blogs for more (though you wont have to much longer coz I plan to gather them all together in one place in The Original Institute website before long).  

Actually I really hate the face mask thing, but look at the body language, the way the girl’s head is hanging, the listless way her arms hang by her sides…      


  1. You ae right!
    And I like the second picture much better.
    And by the way: All women that are pampered should be i pampers (or other diapers) 24/7.

  2. Hi Anonymous!

    If you like the second pic, take a look at my Tumblr blog - though I'll probably repost it here before long.

    While you're there - if you don't already - why not start following me on Tumblr? I'm getting close to the magic 300 followers, so help make my day (I just need another 12)

  3. How about giving a link to that Tumblr?

    1. Oh... Hi there, Orage! Not heard from ypu in a long while. I trust you are well?

      I thought I'd placed a link over in the sidebar - looks like I slipped up again. I'll get it done when I return home Monday. I'm away staying with a friend for the weekend and limited to using my phone.

  4. Nurse Helena did some good stuff. While her pay sites appear to be shut down ( Nrs Helena and ab-dl production were the same outfit), there's still a large selection of photos on AB Kingdom I think you will find some of the medical section up your alley. She also did the well known picture of a large nurse hustling a girl in a straitjacket and diaper up some narrow stairs.
    I hope your long gap between blog posts was because you were writing and not sick. It has been a bad winter for viruses around here.

    1. Hi Vlad! Many thanks for your input / links / info. Though I know not the storyline behind the photo sets I have seen thus far, I have to say they seem to make the closest approach to illustrating the kind of thing I have going on in my head when writing the kind of stuff I do I have ever seen on the web, with the possible exception of the work of Wringer. Any idea while the sites they originaly appeared on folded so quickly?

    2. I meant 'why' of course NOT 'while'. But I mean; it is a bit weird. No sooner had I come across the Nurse Helana cannon of work than the sites seem to have been closed down. But I love 'em!!!

  5. When is your next work coming out?

  6. A good question, my anonymous friend... An even better question might be how will you know when it is?? (See my latest post for details)
