Friday 16 January 2015

A Secure Orphanage and Care Home for Wayward Girls (and boys) The Free Republic of Toyntanenistan: Flying the Flag for The SHAM Initiative

No, its not a book cover, just something I knocked up inspired by some work I have been doing for artist, Roger Benson, making a flag for his reformatory artwork project to go in the book he is working on, and I got a little carried away.  

I have to say, though, that I quite fancy 'THE SHAM INITIATIVE' as the title of the new book I am working on, as it does sum up quite nicely an aspect of some of the later events that occur in the story arc.  I can't say any more than that for now, except to say the first part is probably no more than a week away now - keep 'em peeled!  

In other news:  I've also returned to doing a bit of work on the comic book project that I had going long ago in collaboration with the 3D computer artist, Angela Fox, and I'm preparing a brand new and exciting gallery for the ORIGINAL INSTITUTE website, of which more will be disclosed closer to its release date.


  1. First, where does one apply for citizenship? ;)

    Second, will the new work be available on Kindle (and when will Alice 2 be on Kindle)?

    If your post means you have a new work to publish shortly, I will count the days!


  2. Hi there Selecta! Nice to meet you.

    The new work will very much be available on Amazon Kindle.

    Alice Under Discipline Book 2 IS available for Kindle - I just checked.

    It is one of those titles distributed by my publisher, Andrews UK LTD. I don't have contol over where it goes out nor the cover price, other than for the editions available through LULU and it is possible it has not yet been distributed to all Amazon regional sites yet.

    Try this link (below)Copy and paste into your browser. A little long-winded, but it DOES work.

  3. Just tried it the link; yes it works for UK customers but not Down Under. Please rattle them to get onto our regional site! Cheers, S
