Wednesday 15 May 2013

A Private Asylum Detainee: A Look Back to an Earlier Stage

To reiterate a reply I have just made to a reader’s comment: While it is my basic ideas which have been the inspiration for much of Angela's 3D art I’ve shown here, she then often interprets those ideas in various ways which on occasion has sent the story line down an unexpected avenue.

The current set I have been working on - THE DIRTY ROOM - is a case in point.  True, I wanted a time-worn institutional background, but the concept of a 'dirty room' intentionally left in the state it had been found when reopening the old disused Victorian asylum section, was Angela's.  And I love it - and so I've run with it, to see where it will lead. 

Today's offering Angela made for me based on changes I'd made to some of her earlier images. I have added a second padlock (at the rear of the straitjacket, cobwebs, and of course the think bubbles and all the text.  It is not my intention to showcase anything like the whole set here, as the aim is to publish the entire tale in comic book form, but a little taster now and then should signpost the way things are progressing and hence this will be the last of this particular set I shall publish. I have also changed the image (16th May) to reflect one or two subtle changes I made earlier this morning. Just click to enlarge.

I can honestly say I have never actually met Angela Fox, by the way (although I HAVE met somebody who knows her rather well!).


  1. "I HAVE met somebody who knows her rather well"
    Yes, a case of the man who saw the man who saw the bear ;)

  2. It's just the verbatim translation of an old French expression.
    A bear because not many of us have ever seen a bear out of zoos and gallivanting in the middle of nowhere.

  3. I like the idea of a dirty room. The offender can clean and scrub it, perhaps with tools that make the work more tedious. And thrn there is the white glove inspection, failure, punishment, and more cleaning...
