Friday 1 March 2013

Hard at Work Caning Publicity Channels

Of late I’ve been hard at work caning every publicity channel I can think of.  In addition to the website which has been practically expanding by the day (almost), I now have a presence on Flikr and Deviant Art.  See if you can find me there!  Flikr will be a challenge as I have deviously used a pseudonym…  Well, not really.  It is just that I already had an account from long ago I’d never used and it was just easier to put that to use than create a new account from scratch… And next thing I knew I was referring to myself in the third person! 

The sharp-eyed among you will also have noticed I have had another go at improving the link to the website which resides over there in the right hand sidebar; still needs work though!

Now if you visit the website you will see a section put aside to showcase the work of one Angela Fox.  Now Angela Fox is definitely not a pseudonym of mine, but we have colluded on various graphical ideas in the past and have agreed to showcase each other’s work in various ways, which potentially should be entertaining all round. 

Angela Fox is in fact a good friend whose name will possibly be new to many of you, even those of you already familiar with my own work.  To quote from the brief biography she shares with us on the rear cover of her publications:  Angela Fox is the pseudonym of a semi-retired registered nurse presently residing in rural Southwest England but originally hailing from Lancashire.  Angela Fox is a naturally dominant woman who has had much experience of delivering consensual discipline and whose spare time nowadays is given over to writing while also dabbling in computer graphics.

The work of Angela Fox (click here for her website) differs entirely from my own writing style in that she tends to lean towards stories encompassing more of a consensual component.  By contrast, in my tales if there is anything apparently consensual about a subservient character's involvement at all, you can bet your bottom dollar the freedom to choose is illusory at best, and subject to some dastardly, manipulative, underhanded trick at worst.  In my work, the term 'consent' may be apparent somewhere and in some form - implicitly or explicitly woven in to the fabric of the tale and often presented as a quandary.  But when I use the term it tends to apply more to the awakening of some poor downtrodden young thing to the realisation she has inadvertently, either through trickery or downright coercion, 'consented' to having waived her right to need to give consent.

When Angela Fox's uses the word ‘consensual’, on the other hand, she does so in its more usual interpretation.  As she says: what she enjoys most is “writing stories” in which “corporal punishment is used to achieve positive goals”.  In Angela Fox’s work “dominant characters are always female” but “submissive characters may be” of either gender.

More cover art from Angela Fox’s books and novels will appear on the ‘Beyond The Barred Window’ website shortly, along with links to their placing on LULU.  I chose this particular book to showcase here because I like the cover so much, it having been inspired by one of Roger Benson’s hand-drawn Reformatory series (the original is in the blog archive somewhere, I am sure – see if you can find it using the sidebar search facility – coz I’d be interested how well it works.)  Click here to go to 'The Wardress' on LULU
Meanwhile, as for my own work; I am still messing around with graphics ideas for the cover of ‘Alice’ part 2 before fully publishing through all channels (and awaiting feedback from one of my proofreaders).


  1. I look forward to reading both your and Angela's stories, Garth.The themes are botnare so erotic and interesting!

  2. I've just read The Wardress and I was absolutely enthralled, it's an absolute page-turner!
    The story made me shudder all way long!, I was appalled at the awful boredom that sort of life imprisonment entailed.
    "Once a shackle was locked on your ankle, you never left the cell and nobody ever visited you. No one entered your cell and you were not allowed to communicate with anybody; even me." the lawyer said.
    To be thus reduced to the bare necessities of life, I think it's worse than capital punishment.
    The plot is ingenious and it's a pleasure to see the characters gradually change over the time.
    It's an outstanding story, the sort that will haunt me for a long time.

  3. Too true, Orage!

    I too loved the way the characters gradually change through time as they interact. It is a theme I have tried to explore through my own work, though in a different manner.

    Indeed, such a change occurring within two parties when one is given charge over another was illustrated (albeit in an extreme form) in the conclusions drawn by the original real-life 'Stamford Experiment', part of the setup of which inspired my first book.
