Tuesday 17 July 2012

It’s My Birthday (Party) – And I’ll Add Blogs If I Want To! (Three – New!)

It’s my birthday.  Well’ actually it was my birthday yesterday, strictly speaking, but I don’t intend to acknowledge it until next Monday (sort of offsetting it by a week).  Partly this is because I’ll want to imbibe a few beers by way of celebration and that will make it a month since I last did that sort of thing (Brighton, a week’s worth following the London – Brighton cycle ride and my successful scaling of the mighty Ditchling Beacon:  Toyntanen, umpteen – hill, 0).  And partly it is because the weather is crap anyway – although perversely the sun has come out here in North London – and I have done nothing to alert old chums of my intentions. 

So… What have I been up to?    

I’m still hard at work on three novels in parallel but most of my efforts of late have been channelled into a stand alone novel which has little to do with the rest of the series, being set in the early to mid 1960s.  The latter started as a rewrite of a book I once read but has become influenced in places by the work of Richard Manton / R.T.Mason (who used to write for Janus magazine but is also now known for his novels, in particular Elaine Cox), the idea being that a young girl (late teens) has been consigned to live under the authority of a woman in a house in London which turns out to have been once owned by the professional Victorian-era disciplinarian that features in the Richard Manton penned Janus (issue 38) tale, ‘Whips Incorporated’.  Google it or look on Mr Whacker’s blog (check out the blog list in the right hand sidebar).  I have also been doing a little early preparatory work to test the feasibility of a short graphic novel based on the 3D graphics work of ‘Snooz’ – a few examples of which you can find scattered throughout the blog archive.  

Now, I’ve added three blogs to the right hand sidebar blog list this time that I want to briefly tell you about.  

‘Intimate Invasions’ – by Mr Strict - features the enforced application of enemas and non-consensual anal play, much of which is quite inventive, good inspiring stuff which I have to say I really quite enjoyed.  See image top left (taken from the site).  To visit, click on blog title or look for the link in the sidebar blog list.

‘Mr-Tawse’  Doesn’t really do what it says on the tin, to be honest with you, in that there does not seem to be that much content actually dealing with the use of that trusty implement of correction – the tawse.  But having said that, there is an awful lot more going on there that would recommend a visit or three!  (See right hand picture – taken from the site), click on blog title to visit or look for the link in the right hand sidebar main blog list.

‘Spanking the Shamrock’  A strange title and one that I only picked up on while perusing the ‘referrals list’ on my blog’s ‘Sitmeter’ widget – a little gizmo situated near the very bottom of the right hand sidebar (just above the clock) that allows myself and others (visitors – that means YOU!) to monitor the number of folk visiting and so on.  The author has kindly included a link to my blog on his site.  This blog differs from the majority in that it seems to be based around original short and inspired essays written by the author covering various topics pertinent to the disciplining of young ladies such as ‘Corner Time’,  shaving pubic hair (or not – far more imaginative; all sorts of possibilities open up), cold showers and ice baths and young women being made to wear school uniform as a punishment.  To quote from the latter:  

“…being put back into school uniform [should] remind her of how it used to be, to be governed by rules and regulations over which she will have no control but which she has to obey.  She should be required to consider why she has been put into uniform and acknowledge how she looks in it and why she deserves to have been put back into uniform. 

Anything which increases for her the humiliation of being put back into school uniform is to be considered an advantage - the wearing of the uniform should be a punishment in itself.”  

Interestingly the author quotes directly from the magazine interview with one of the actresses from the 1960s film of ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ that I have mentioned in the past (try the search facility situated in the upper portion of the right hand sidebar) in which an (18 year old) actress describes how wearing the school uniform every day for filming affected her mindset and how it started to make her consciously feel and act as if she were a genuine schoolgirl still at school.       

As always: to visit (highly recommended)  click on the blog's title - or look for it in the sidebar blog list (coz just like the other two blogs outlined above I have just added a link to it!  Duh!). The pic, above left - pinched from the aforementioned oddly-named site - is from the 1958 German classic, ‘Maedchen In Uniform’, Incidentally; highly influential!.


  1. Have a good birthday on Monday, I'm sure postponing it for a week is just trying to deny the inevitable LOL

    Great additions especially "Spanking the Shamrock’

  2. Wow! That was quick,Mr Summertime75! That must be an all-time record for a response to a posting - at least on my blog.

    Actually, I nearly 'cracked' a few minutes ago and considered heading off down the pub. But it has reverted to type now here; the sun as gone in and it looks like rain - again!

  3. By an odd coincidence, I have a birthday coming up really soon. (The 25th, actually)

    The picture at the top of this entry is...arresting.

    The Intimate Invasions blog is interesting, and more than a little intimidating. This guy would seem to know his stuff. The other two blogs were less intersting, which is not a criticism, but I temd to gravitate more toward stuff to read than just stuff to look at. But to each their own. Anyway, the Intimate Invasions dude sunds like someone who knows all about invasiveness and humiliation.The entry on Regression was food for thought.

    Speaking of people who know all about humiliation, I'm still looking forward to reading more about the Institution and Dr Eccelstone But that may not be out for a while. Personally, I think Toyntanen is a sadist, and he's deliberately torturing me.

    The Non Victorian Chick

  4. Hi 'Non-Victorian Chick!

    I sort of imagined you'd appreciate the picture at the top of this entry.

    I haven't yet seen the entry on Regression on the Intimate Invasions blog – something to look forward to by the sounds of things!

    Nah! I'm not deliberately torturing you; it just sort of comes naturally!

    Take care and best wishes for the 25th, in case I forget.

    I'll hopefully be down at a pub on Turnpike Lane, North London (The Tollgate, a Wetherspoons pub – just in case anyone reading this will be coming past and fancies a pint with 'yours truly'). The Olympic torch is due to pass by sometime between 17:45 and 18:30 on that day and I want to try and get a few shots. I'll have to get in quite early so maybe – just maybe – I'll get the new book finished (the 1960s-based thing); it's that close!
