Thursday 3 March 2011

School Uniform for the Less Mature Older Teen and Twenty-Something

Remember when a while ago I featured a composite construct created and sent in by a contributor of his vision of the ideal school uniform suitable for the late teen or even the less than mature young lady in her early twenties? No? Then click here or scroll down the page a ways. As has been pointed out, it was very much in the style of the American Catholic schoolgirl. While not ordinarily ideally to my personal taste – far too contemporary, you see – nevertheless there is potential there for a starting point. Why the (partial) change of heart? Well while perusing the web I came upon what I believe to be one of the finest implementations of that style of uniform I have ever seen – and I have trolled through the entire SchoolTeasers,com collection in my time (and very good it is too!). I blundered into this particular example, though, on someone's blog late one night recently and for the life of me I have not been able to track down which one. I don't remember the text with it saying so but I wouldn't mind betting it originated on The Real spanking Institute site (click site name to visit) – it has their 'signature'. I visited the aforementioned site fairly recently in my search for new and appropriate affiliate opportunities to sign up to in the hope of offsetting the ever falling book sales on Lulu and was most impressed.

Talking of affiliates; of the few featured here, at least one at present generates no revenue at all as recently there has been a change of ownership and I have yet to sign up for their new scheme . I will get around to it eventually, but at the moment most of my efforts are gong into finishing the book – at present standing at a ridiculous 390 pages and close on a quarter of a million words (no, really). It really is going to have to be split into two some how, but the question is; in which way? There are two interwoven threads and three overlapping time periods... Oh God! What have I done? (Author throws hands up in despair in quiet coffee shop – one or two customers scuttle away with worried looks on their faces - “it's that long-haired nutter in the corner again! Chuck 'im out, quickly!”)


  1. You had never seen RSI? For shame.

  2. Of course I have seen the RSI site before but never visited looking at it in the context of setting up as an affiliate. What I meant was I do not recall coming across that particular shot - which might not be one of theirs for all I know, it just seems reminiscent of their styling, which as I imply, I greatly admire.

  3. The RSI is great. Too bad they only have girls in sloppy uniforms recently. The uniforms they had early on (like in the picture you've posted) are perfect for schoolgirls of all ages.

  4. Yeah, that's one of their early shots. The uniforms they used their first few years were much more realistic than the ones they use now. The current uniforms look more like sexy schoolgirl costumes for Halloween than actual uniforms.

  5. That's a shame, Madmonkey. But presumably if one was to sign up one would still get access to those older photo sets, or is that no longer the case?

  6. Yes, you still can download the old content.
