Thursday 1 July 2010

Institutionalised Volume 2 Goes Live on iTunes

Hi folks!

It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that INSTITUTIONALISED Volume 2 has today gone 'live' on Apple iTunes click title above highlighted in blue to visit. I am out and about, 'chilling in the Woodgreen Wetherspoons, The Spouter's Corner, today but seriously bogged down in the writing of the new book - an ambitious tome to be sure. A little too ambitious? Only time will tell, but I am too loaded with ideas to let it go now, so I guess I will just have to run with it and see where it leads me. I am a little worried that the blog is going to rack and ruin - along with a big chunk of my private life - always it seems permanently bubbling away on the back burner. Its not that I have no ideas for it, far from it, it's just that I am so completely focused on my writing right now. Which unfortunately means through the bottom of a beer glass, as that is the way my imagination focuses best.


  1. Congratulations with "going live" reward for your hard work. As for the blog going to "rack and ruin" don't see it myself, although some posts haven't generated to usual degree of comments it is still a great blog. Take care, enjoy the sun and bask in the lime light a little.


  2. I do agree with summertime75: there's no rack and ruin in the offing! Anyway, we're all making allowances in order not to disturb your creative spirit. Our aim being Institutionalised part 3, we daren't show any impatience.

  3. Thanks for your encouragement and patience, folks, and thanks to for all those that have e-mailed me with words of support. It all means something!
