Sunday 24 January 2010

New: John Willie Album Added

Hi folks! Yet another week has flown by without an update, To be honest I hardly noticed as I have been concentrating near flat-out on developing and writing the new volume...That and getting to grips with finding and getting acquainted with a new gym. My old gym closed down without warning - and with very little offered by way of a sensible explanation - around two weeks back. As luck would have it, I only had a couple of weeks or so to run on a year's membership package but I am still hoping it will reopen as I am a creature of habit and had gotten used to going there. Meanwhile I have found another gym up in Palmer's Green (North London).

Now for some news: I have added a few more Lynne Paula Russel / Paula Meadows illustrations to the relevant Picasaweb spanking art album (see side bar on right hand for link listed under Spanking Artwork Albums). In addition, I have now created a Picasaweb album to hold the art of that fine bondage / CP illustrator John Willie. I have gathered together 28 illustrations from various internet sources thus far and will be adding more from my own collection as and when I get around to scanning them in - I own a complete set of John Willie's 'Bizarre' magazine reprints and also some other publications featuring his work. Click here to go to the John Willie album or check out the link in the sidebar, as above.


  1. The John Willie painting of the girl in bondage with the glove on the floor is probably my favourite one of his. It needs no caption or dialogue, it tells the story all on its own.

  2. Yes I quite agree, Cloudlover - it's one of my favorites also. It does tell a story in its own right and yet it retains that certain element of ambiguity -perhaps that is not the right term here, perhaps versatility would be better - so as to encourage the imagination to fill in the gaps. and therein lies part of its charm so far as I am concerned,
